K. Werkle, W. Maier, S. Mayer, and H. Möhring. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, page 125-128. Bedford, euspen, (2020)
R. Wegert, V. Guski, S. Schmauder, and H. Möhring. 5th CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity (CSI 2020), volume 87 of Procedia CIRP, page 113-118. Elsevier, (2020)
H. Möhring, S. Eschelbacher, and P. Georgi. 18th CIRP Conference on Modeling of Machining Operations (CMMO), Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 15-17, 2021, 102, page 264-269. Elsevier, (2021)
H. Möhring, S. Eschelbacher, and P. Georgi. System-Integrated Intelligence : Intelligent, Flexible and Connected Systems in Products and Production : Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on System-Integrated Intelligence (SysInt 2020), Bremen, Germany, 52, page 79-84. Elsevier, (2020)