S. Schmohl, M. Kölle, R. Frolow, and U. Sörgel. Pattern Recognition : ICPR International Workshops and Challenges, volume 7 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 521-535. Cham, Springer, (2021)
A. Abdallah, and V. Schwieger. Embracing our smart world where the continents connect: enhancing the geospatial maturity of societies : FIG Congress 2018, page 9192. Copenhagen, International Federation of Surveyors, (2018)
P. Hindenberger, and V. Schwieger. Adjunct proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Location Based Services, page 7-12. Zürich, ETH Zürich, (2018)
O. Lerke, and V. Schwieger. 6th International Conference on Machine Control and Guidance, 101, page 83-94. Potsdam-Bornim, Leibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik und Bioökonomie, (2018)
A. Avram, N. El Gemayel, and V. Schwieger. Proceedings of the 31st International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation : ION GNSS+ 2018, page 3552-3561. Manassas, Institute of Navigation, (2018)
J. Wang, M. Wachsmuth, M. Metzner, and V. Schwieger. MST 2018 – Multisensortechnologie : Low-Cost Sensoren im Verbund, 92, page 137-166. Augsburg, Wißner-Verlag, (2018)
L. Zhang, L. Balangé, and V. Schwieger. Protecting our world, conquering new frontiers : FIG Working Week 2023, Copenhagen, International Federation of Surveyors, (2023)
L. Balange, N. Sprügel, and V. Schwieger. Ingenieurvermessung 23 : Beiträge zum 20. Internationalen Ingenieurvermessungskurs Zürich, 2023, page 115-116. Berlin, Wichmann, (2023)