J. Friedrich, A. Maurer, A. Lechler, and A. Verl. International Journal of Engineering - ANNALS of Faculty Engineering Hunedoar, 15 (2):
99-104(May 2017)
D. Coupek, A. Lechler, and A. Verl. 2016 International Conference on Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway, Ship Propulsion and Road Vehicles & International Transportation Electrification Conference (ESARS-ITEC), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), (November 2016)
J. Friedrich, A. Maurer, A. Lechler, and A. Verl. Proceedings of the The International Conference Management of Technology – Step to Sustainable Production (MOTSP 2016), Porec, Croatia, (2016)
J. Friedrich, C. Hinze, A. Lechler, and A. Verl. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), (July 2016)
J. Friedrich, M. Gebele, A. Lechler, and A. Verl. International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Induastrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering, 9 (10):
S. Apprich, F. Wulle, A. Lechler, A. Pott, and A. Verl. International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Induastrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering, 9 (10):
S. Apprich, F. Wulle, A. Lechler, A. Pott, and A. Verl. Procedia \CIRP\, (2015)Research and Innovation in Manufacturing: Key Enabling Technologies for the Factories of the Future - Proceedings of the 48th \CIRP\ Conference on Manufacturing Systems.
J. Friedrich, H. Hartmann, A. Verl, and A. Lechler. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Flexible Automation & Intelligent Manufacturing, University of Texas at San Antonio, (2014)
J. Friedrich, S. Scheifele, A. Verl, and A. Lechler. Procedia \CIRP\, (2015)9th \CIRP\ Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering - \CIRP\ \ICME\ '14.
J. Friedrich, and A. Verl. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Engineering and Technologies NEWTECH 2013, page 117-126. (2013)