Seit 1958 hat die Zentrale Stelle der Landesjustizverwaltungen in Ludwigsburg den Auftrag, Vorermittlungen zu nationalsozialistischen Verbrechen zu führen. Wir sichten weltweit Material, sammeln es und werten die Unterlagen aus. Unser Ziel ist es, zu Tatkomplexen (begrenzt nach Ort, Zeit und Täterkreis) heute noch verfolgbare Beschuldigte festzustellen.
M. Schiffmann. Promedia, Wien, (2006)Dazu ersch. ein Hörbuch u.d.T.: Free Mumia Abu-JamalIMD-Felder maschinell generiert (GBV); Mumia Abu-Jamal (vgl. "Aus der Todeszelle", Bremen 2005, hier nicht besprochen), als Schwarzer in Philadelphia geboren, wo Rassentrennung südstaatengleich praktiziert wurde, schloss sich früh der Black-Panther-Bewegung an. 1981 wurde er wegen Polizistenmords verhaftet und auf Grund zweifelhafter Indizien zum Tod verurteilt. Seit 25 Jahren sitzt er in der Todeszelle und gilt längst als Symbol des Kampfes um Freiheit und Demokratie und als berühmtester Gefangener der Welt seit Nelson Mandela (vgl. a. J. Martschukat: "Die Geschichte der Todestrafe in Nordamerika", Seite 177, BA 8/02). Weltweit haben sich Bewegungen zu seiner Freilassung und zur Abschaffung der Todesstrafe gebildet ( / Der Autor und Universitätsdozent konnte Kontakt zum Fotografen aufnehmen, der die 1. Bilder vom Tatort gemacht hatte, und liefert neue Beweise zugunsten des Angeklagten, zugleich befasst er sich mit dem anhaltenden Rassismus in den USA. Exakt recherchiert, Anmerkungen, Bibliografie, Schwarz-Weiß-Fotos, Vorlage für den Film "In Prison My Whole Life". Für möglichst viele Bibliotheken. (2 S).
K. Kinzelbach. Routledge research in human rights ; 7 Routledge, London [u.a.], (2015)Includes bibliographical references and indexIMD-Felder maschinell generiert (GBV); "The European Union uses a confidential, institutionalized Dialogue to raise human rights concerns with China, but little is publicly known about its set-up, its substance, its development over time and its impact. This book provides the first detailed reconstruction and assessment of the EU's responses to human rights violations in China from 1995 to the present day. Using classified documents in the EU's historical archives and interviews with diplomats, officials and human rights experts in Europe, China and the United States, Kinzelbach lifts the veil of secrecy on the EU-China Human Rights Dialogue and provides a rare insight into how the European Union and China conduct quiet diplomacy on human rights. The book reconstructs the evolution of the Dialogue and the EU's internal debate on the merits of quiet diplomacy, and draws comparisons with the approach of other actors, notably that of the United States. In doing so, the EU's relative impact is concluded to be tenuous if not counter-productive. The book also chronicles and analyses numerous human rights concerns that were raised in the period, ranging from structural issues to individual cases. This ground-breaking, in-depth case study will be of interest to students and scholars of international politics, human rights, international law, EU politics, especially the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy, and Chinese politics"--"The European Union uses a confidential, institutionalized Dialogue to raise human rights concerns with China, but little is publicly known about its set-up, its substance, its development over time and its impact. This book provides the first detailed reconstruction and assessment of the EU's responses to human rights violations in China from 1995 to the present day. Using classified documents in the EU's historical archives and interviews with diplomats, officials and human rights experts in Europe, China and the United States, Kinzelbach lifts the veil of secrecy on the EU-China Human Rights Dialogue and provides a rare insight into how the European Union and China conduct quiet diplomacy on human rights. The book reconstructs the evolution of the Dialogue and the EU's internal debate on the merits of quiet diplomacy, and draws comparisons with the approach of other actors, notably that of the United States. In doing so, the EU's relative impact is concluded to be tenuous if not counter-productive. The book also chronicles and analyses numerous human rights concerns that were raised in the period, ranging from structural issues to individual cases. This ground-breaking, in-depth case study will be of interest to students and scholars of international politics, human rights, international law, EU politics, especially the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy, and Chinese politics"--.