The Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers is the international member trade body for not-for-profit organizations and institutions that publish scholarly and professional content.
We are Virginia Tech’s digital-first, open access publisher. Based in the University Libraries, Virginia Tech Publishing (VTP) is committed to increasing the visibility, reach, and impact of research produced at the university. We publish scholarly and educational materials in multiple formats for wide dissemination and permanent preservation. In addition to full-service publishing, we offer a variety of specialized services to support the publishing needs of the Virginia Tech community.
Die Initiative gegen die Todesstrafe e.V. (IgT), im englischen Sprachraum German Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty (GCADP), wurde 1997 in Bonn gegründet als formlose Interessensgemeinschaft von Menschen, die etwas gegen die Todesstrafe tun wollten.
XEditPro simplifies the entire process of authoring and increases user productivity levels. It also enables delivery of multiple outputs in standard formats.
Learned Publishing is the journal of the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers, published in collaboration with the Society for Scholarly Publishing.
Science Europe, cOAlition S, OPERAS, and the French National Research Agency (ANR) present an Action Plan for Diamond Open Access (OA) to further develop and expand a sustainable, community-driven Diamond OA scholarly communication ecosystem.
M. Eve. (2014)Open Access; If you work in a university, you are almost certain to have heard the term 'open access' in the past couple of years. You may also have heard either that it is the utopian answer to all the problems of research dissemination or perhaps that it marks the beginning of an apocalyptic new era of 'pay-to-say' publishing. In this book, Martin Paul Eve sets out the histories, contexts and controversies for open access, specifically in the humanities. Broaching practical elements alongside economic histories, open licensing, monographs and funder policies, this book is a must-read for both those new to ideas about open-access scholarly communications and those with an already keen interest in the latest developments for the humanities..
K. Fitzpatrick. New York University Press, New York, NY [u.a.], (2011)Formerly CIP Uk. - Includes bibliographical references and index; "Academic institutions are facing a crisis in scholarly publishing at multiple levels: presses are stressed as never before, library budgets are squeezed, faculty are having difficulty publishing their work, and promotion and tenure committees are facing a range of new ways of working without a clear sense of how to understand and evaluate them. Planned Obsolescence is both a provocation to think more broadly about the academy's future and an argument for reconceiving that future in more communally-oriented ways. Facing these issues head-on, Kathleen Fitzpatrick focuses on the technological changes--especially greater utilization of internet publication technologies, including digital archives, social networking tools, and multimedia--necessary to allow academic publishing to thrive into the future. But she goes further, insisting that the key issues that must be addressed are social and institutional in origin. Springing from original research as well as Fitzpatrick's own hands-on experiments in new modes of scholarly communication through MediaCommons, the digital scholarly network she co-founded, Planned Obsolescence explores these aspects of scholarly work, as well as issues surrounding the preservation of digital scholarship and the place of publishing within the structure of the contemporary university. Written in an approachable style designed to bring administrators and scholars into a conversation, Planned Obsolescence explores both symptom and cure to ensure that scholarly communication will remain relevant in the digital future. "--.
J. Schopfel, and U. Herb (Eds.) (2018)Description based upon print version of record; Postcolonial Open AccessOpen Access Initiatives and Networking in the Global South; Open Science, Open Access: Opportunities for the Global South, or Just Another Trojan Horse from the North?; A Tale of Two Globes: Exploring the North/South Divide in Engagement with Open Educational Resources; Ubuntu: a Social Justice Pillar for Open Access in Sub Saharan Africa; Asymmetry and Inequality as a Challenge for Open Access: An Interview; Bionotes; Index. Title Page; Contents; Preface; Introduction: Open Divide Emerges as Open Access Unfolds; Part One: Global Issues; Openness as Tool for Acceleration and Measurement: Reflections on Problem Representations Underpinning Open Access and Open Science; Open Access, a New Kind of Emerging Knowledge Regime?; Open/Access: Negotiations Between Openness and Access to Research; The Paradox of Success; Open Access and Symbolic Gift Giving; Cooperative Futures: Technologies of the Common in the Collaborative Economy; Part Two: North/South; The Contribution of the Global South to Open Access.