
Person Entities

What are "person entities"?

Person entities are representations of authors of publications in the system of PUMA. Note that person entities do not represent users of PUMA, but rather the persons that are associated with publications.
For example, any students might be users of PUMA. They registered for a personal account and have access to their own user page. If they have not yet published any publication, they are however not recognised as authors by PUMA. In that case, they are not represented by a unique person entity.


To view an author's page, just click on their name that is displayed with their publication. To search for an author, use the searchbar on the upper right hand side, select the field "author" and then enter the author's name. You can then click on the author's name that is displayed with the publications.



Add new persons

After clicking on an author's name, you get redirected to a page where you can associate the post (publication) with a person entity (author).
If the author isn't registered by a person entity in the system yet, you can add a new person with the name of the author. Just click on the respective button at the bottom of the page.


After clicking on the button, a popup window appears and you are asked if you want to create a new person entity or if you want to connect the author's name with a person with another name.
(This can be the case if the author previously only has published under another name (an alias name or a former name). In this case, click on "Person with Another Name" and then, search the person you want to connect the author's name with).


Associate authors with publications

After clicking on an author's name, you get redirected to a page where you can associate the post (publication) with a person entity (author).
If the author's name is already represented by a person entity in the system, you can see a list of authors with this name.


In this list, you can select the person entity that fits to the author. You then will be asked in a popup window if you want to save the connection of the author and the person entity in the system ("Yes, save") or if you only want to display the person's page without saving ("No, show person only").


If no person in this list fits to the author, click on "other person" to create a new person entity for the author's name.

The author's page

After having created a new person entity or having connected the author's name to an existing entity, the author's page will be displayed.
You can also access this page by URL:
/person/<first letter of first name>.<last name>, e.g. /person/f.jannidis.


On this page, you get an overview on the author's academic degree, the alternative name, their own/related thesis and other publications associated with the person.
You are also allowed to add missing information. If this person entity is you, you can claim this person by clicking on the button "That's me" which you will find on the right.

Click here to go back to beginner's area and learn more about the basic functions.