
Discussed Posts

Two important aspects of working with literature are the processes of sharing it and of exchanging ideas and thoughts about it among colleagues. The discussion features in PUMA provide support in doing so.

The discussed posts pages give an overview on resources that have recently been discussed by a specific user, by any user in general or by members of a specific group (more on discussions within groups).

Popular discussions

To find entries that have recently been discussed, click on popular in the left main menu and then on discussions. By clicking on the star ratings of an entry, you get to see the detailed view where you can view and write comments and reviews.

Discussions of a user

To find the resources that were discussed by a specific user, first go to their user page (by clicking on the user's name or by using the search function). In the sidebar on the right, click on show posts recently discussed by <username>.


To view your own discussed entries, click on my PUMA in the left main menu and then on discussed posts.

Discussion of a group

Similar to the user-centered version these pages show resources that were discussed by members of a particular group. To view the discussed entries of a group, first go to their group page (by clicking on the group's name or by using the search function). In the sidebar on the right, click on show posts recently discussed by members of <groupname>.


Note: On each of the presented discussed posts pages, of course privacy constraints are respected. For example on the discussed page of another user, resources are not listed if the reviews and comments by that user were all posted anonymously.

Discussion Statistics

On every page where discussed posts of a user, of a group or of PUMA users in general are listed, there is a statistic box in the sidebar on the right. There, the rating distribution of all reviews of the user/the group/the system is displayed. This way, you can compare reviews easier.


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