Narabo ist ein von Lukas Kiemele und Roxana Rentsch geleitetes Projekt, das sich mittels verschiedener Podcast-Formate dem Transfer philosophischer Inhalte in die Öffentlichkeit widmet.
U. Herb, and J. Schöpfel (Eds.) Library Juice Press, Sacramento, CA, (2018); "Provides a critical assessment of the concept and the reality of open access, with a special attention to its impact in the countries of the Global South"--. Part one. Global issues -- Openness as tool for acceleration and measurement : reflections on problem representations underpinning open access and open science -- Open access, a new kind of emerging knowledge regime? -- Open/access : negotiations between openness and access to research -- The paradox of success -- Open access and symbolic gift giving -- Cooperative futures : technologies of the common in the collaborative economy -- Part two. North/South -- The contribution of the Global South to open access -- Postcolonial open access -- Open access initiatives and networking in the Global South -- Open science, open access : opportunities for the Global South, or just another Trojan horse from the North? -- A tale of two globes : exploring the North/South divide in engagement with open educational resources -- Ubuntu : a social justice pillar for open access in Sub Saharan Africa -- Asymmetry and inequality as a challenge for open access : an interview.