On September 12, 2024, Lieff Cabraser and co-counsel at Justice Catalyst Law filed a federal antitrust lawsuit on behalf of plaintiff Lucina Uddin in federal court in New York against six commercial publishers of academic journals, including Elsevier, Springer Nature, Taylor and Francis, Sage, Wiley, and Wolters Kluwer, on behalf of a proposed class of scientists and scholars who provided manuscripts or peer review, alleging that these publishers conspired to unlawfully appropriate billions of dollars that would otherwise have funded scientific research.
The major academic publishers have made collection and trading of data about the research interests of individuals, groups and research institutions their new business model.
Hochschulen erhalten ein umfassendes Paket aus wissenschaftlichen Publikationsdienstleistungen, das von der Produktion digitaler und gedruckter Bücher in unterschiedlichsten Ausstattungen über Open-Access-Veröffentlichungen bis hin zum Anschluss und Auslieferung an den Buchhandel reicht.