
Jens Friedrich, Andreas Maurer, Armin Lechler, and Alexander Verl. Estmation of the Pose-Dependent Stability Lobe Diagram for a new 5-axis Machining Concept. International Journal of Engineering - ANNALS of Faculty Engineering Hunedoar, (15)2:99-104, May 2017. [PUMA: myown xfh xlr xvl milling] URL

Frederik Wulle, Daniel Coupek, Florian Schäffner, Alexander Verl, Felix Oberhofer, and Thomas Maier. Workpiece and Machine Design in Additive Manufacturing for Multi-Axis Fused Deposition Modeling. Procedia CIRP, (60):229--234, Elsevier, 2017. [PUMA: xvl isw xwesend:unibiblio xck] URL

Jens Friedrich, Jonas Torzewski, and Alexander Verl. Online Learning of Stability Lobe Diagrams in Milling. Procedia Technology, 2017. [PUMA: myown xfh xvl]

Daniel Coupek, Armin Lechler, and Alexander Verl. Cloud-based control strategy: downstream defect reduction in the production of electric motors. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 1--1, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2017. [PUMA: isw-2017 xlr xvl isw xck] URL

Daniel Coupek, Armin Lechler, and Alexander Verl. Cloud-based control for downstream defect reduction in the production of electric motors. 2016 International Conference on Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway, Ship Propulsion and Road Vehicles & International Transportation Electrification Conference (ESARS-ITEC), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), November 2016. [PUMA: isw-2016 xlr xvl xck] URL

Jens Friedrich, Christoph Hinze, Armin Lechler, and Alexander Verl. On-line learning artificial neural networks for stability classification of milling processes. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), July 2016. [PUMA: Stability Training Milling Covariance Kalman criteria xfh Neurons filters xlr xvl matrices] URL

Mahdi Mottahedi, Daniel Coupek, Armin Lechler, and Alexander Verl. Additive Manufacturing: Technology, Trends and Challenges. The 6th International Conference on Economics, Management, Engineering Sciences and Art, Belgium, Brussels, Jan 21, 2016. [PUMA: xmi xlr xvl xck]

Daniel Coupek, Daria Kovaleva, Hans Christof, Karl-Heinz Wurst, Alexander Verl, Werner Sobek, Walter Haase, Götz T Gresser, and Armin Lechler. Fabrication of Biomimetic and Biologically Inspired (Modular) Structures for Use in the Construction Industry. Biomimetic Research for Architecture and Building Construction, 319--339, Springer International Publishing, 2016. [PUMA: xwt xlr xvl ISW xck]

Jens Friedrich, Andreas Maurer, Armin Lechler, and Alexander Verl. Estmation of the Pose-Dependent Stability Lobe Diagram for a new 5-axis Machining Concept. Proceedings of the The International Conference Management of Technology – Step to Sustainable Production (MOTSP 2016), Porec, Croatia, 2016. [PUMA: 5-axis Finite myown process concept analysis xvl Pose-dependent machining xfh element xlr stability]

Stefanie Apprich, Frederik Wulle, Armin Lechler, Andreas Pott, and Alexander Verl. Pose-Dependency of Machine Tool Structures: Appearance, Consequences and challenges for Lightweight Large-Scale Machines. International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Induastrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering, (9)10:1763-1770, 2015. [PUMA: Posenabhängigkeit myown Modellierung xwe Werkzeugmaschine xpt isw-2015 xvl xah] URL

Stefanie Apprich, Frederik Wulle, Armin Lechler, Andreas Pott, and Alexander Verl. Approach for a General Pose-dependent Model of the Dynamic Behavior of Large Lightweight Machine Tools for Vibration Reduction. Procedia \CIRP\, (41):812 - 817, 2015. [PUMA: Posenabhängigkeit myown Modellierung xwe Werkzeugmaschine xpt isw-2015 xvl xah] URL

Jens Friedrich, Stefan Scheifele, Alexander Verl, and Armin Lechler. Flexible and Modular Control and Manufacturing System. Procedia \CIRP\, (33):115 - 120, 2015. [PUMA: modular customized production xse products control xvl isw system flexible self-configuring (FMPS) and xfh xlr] URL

Jens Friedrich, Christoph Hinze, Anton Renner, Alexander Verl, and Armin Lechler. Estimation of stability lobe diagrams in milling with continuous learning algorithms. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, -, 2015. [PUMA: myown Support algorithms Process network xvl Learning Milling xfh vector machines xlr Neural stability] URL

Jens Friedrich, Matthias Gebele, Armin Lechler, and Alexander Verl. Determining the width and depths of cut in milling on the basis of a multi-dexel model. International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Induastrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering, (9)10:1981-1986, 2015. [PUMA: Abtragssimulation process material simulation xfh xlr xvl isw milling removal stability] URL

Jens Friedrich, Henning Hartmann, Alexander Verl, and Armin Lechler. Continuous learning support vector machine to estimate stability lobe diagrams in milling. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Flexible Automation & Intelligent Manufacturing, University of Texas at San Antonio, 2014. [PUMA: myown stbaility Support Process xvl isw Learning Milling xfh vector machines xlr algorithm] URL

Jens Friedrich, and Alexander Verl. In-process Control for Adaptive Spindle Speed Variation and Selection. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Engineering and Technologies NEWTECH 2013, 117-126, 2013. [PUMA: myown process chatter xfh control spindle xvl ISW milling speed stability variation] URL

Jens Friedrich, and Alexander Verl. Adaptive spindle speed variation to improve process stability. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Production Research, --, 2013. [PUMA: myown chatter online xfh Process control spindle xvl ISW speed stability variation]

Alexander Verl, J. Krüger, Armin Lechler, and Stefanie Apprich. Mensch-Maschine-Kooperation. CDFK 2012 - Chinesisch-Deutsches Fertigungstechnisches Kolloquium 2012, 16-17 10 2012. [PUMA: Servicerobotik myown isw-2012 xlr xvl ISW xah]

Stefanie Apprich, Alexander Huf, and Alexander Verl. Steigerung der Resourceneffizienz durch die ganzheitliche Betrachtung vonflexiblen Produktionsanlagen, in Resourceneffiziente Produktion. Ressourceneffiziente Produktion, (Fortschritt-Berichte VDI)684:7-21, 2012. [PUMA: myown xhf xvl ISW xah]