F. Waimer, M. Gabler, and J. Knippers. Proceedings of the International IASS Symposium, Seoul, Korea, International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures, (2012)
R. La Magna, F. Waimer, and J. Knippers. Book of Abstracts of the 7th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engiineering (CICE 2014), page 199. Vancouver, Canada,, (2014)
J. Knippers, M. Oppe, and F. Waimer. Stahlbau-Kalender 2015: Schwerpunkte: Eurocode 3 - Grundnorm, Leichtbau, page 463 – 516. Ernst & Sohn, Berlin, (2015)
F. Waimer, M. Gabler, and J. Knippers. Proceedings of the International IASS Symposium, Seoul, Korea, International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures, (2012)
R. La Magna, F. Waimer, and j. Knippers. Proceedings of the International Symposium of the IASS-APCS Symposium, Seoul, Korea, International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures, (21-24 May 2012)