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BCL-2 and BOK regulate apoptosis by interaction of their C-terminal transmembrane domains, , , , , , , , , and 4 other author(s). EMBO Reports, 25 (9): 3896–3924 (July 2024)Decision support and intelligent systems in the textile and apparel supply chain: An academic review of research articles., , , and . Expert Syst. Appl., 41 (1): 81-91 (2014)Part orientation and build cost determination in layered manufacturing., , and . Computer-Aided Design, 30 (5): 343-356 (1998)Measuring E-Transformation in the Logistics Industry: A Knowledge Capability Index., and . Bled eConference, page 33. (2005)Social Network Perception Alignment of E-Recruiters and Potential Applicants., and . HICSS, page 4576-4585. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)A Capabilities Analysis of E-Fulfilment Businesses: transformation in the logistics industry., and . Australasian J. of Inf. Systems, (2005)Layered manufacturing of surfaces with open contours using localized wall thickening., and . Computer-Aided Design, 32 (3): 175-189 (2000)The Seven-Step Model for E-Grocery Fulfilment., and . I3E, volume 146 of IFIP, page 375-394. Kluwer / Springer, (2004)Techniques for cancellation of interfering multiple reflections in terahertz time-domain measurements., , and . Microelectronics Journal, 39 (5): 841-848 (2008)A right to delete?. European Journal of Law and Technology, (2011)