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Equity valuation model of vietnamese companies in a foreign securities market - a simulation approach., , , and . Winter Simulation Conference, page 103:1-103:12. WSC, (2012)Upsizing manufacturing line in vietnamese industrial plants: A simulation approach., and . Winter Simulation Conference, page 1835-1846. IEEE, (2013)Integrated provenance data for access control in group-centric collaboration., , and . IRI, page 255-262. IEEE, (2012)An Approximation Approach for a Real-World Variant of Vehicle Routing Problem., , and . ACIIDS Posters, volume 351 of Studies in Computational Intelligence, page 87-96. Springer, (2011)Scalable virtual prototyping of distributed embedded control in a modern elevator system., , , , , , and . SIES, page 267-270. IEEE, (2012)A provenance-based access control model., , and . PST, page 137-144. IEEE, (2012)UIT-DANGNT-CLNLP at SemEval-2017 Task 9: Building Scientific Concept Fixing Patterns for Improving CAMR., and . SemEval@ACL, page 909-913. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2017)Stable Bayesian Optimisation via Direct Stability Quantification., , , , , and . CoRR, (2019)Effective Identification of Similar Patients Through Sequential Matching over ICD Code Embedding., , , and . J. Medical Systems, 42 (5): 94:1-94:13 (2018)LTARM: A novel temporal association rule mining method to understand toxicities in a routine cancer treatment., , , and . Knowl.-Based Syst., (2018)