On the Dynamics and Emergency Stop Behavior of Cable-Driven Parallel Robots
P. Tempel, A. Verl, and A. Pott. ROMANSY 21 - Robot Design, Dynamics and Control, volume 569 of CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, page 431--438. Switzerland, Springer Verlag and Springer International Publishing, (2016)
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-33714-2_48
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%0 Conference Paper
%1 Tempel.2016
%A Tempel, Philipp
%A Verl, Alexander
%A Pott, Andreas
%B ROMANSY 21 - Robot Design, Dynamics and Control
%C Switzerland
%D 2016
%E Parenti-Castelli, Vincenzo
%E Schiehlen, Werner
%I Springer Verlag and Springer International Publishing
%P 431--438
%R 10.1007/978-3-319-33714-2_48
%T On the Dynamics and Emergency Stop Behavior of Cable-Driven Parallel Robots
%U http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-319-33714-2_48
%V 569
%@ 978-3-319-33713-5
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author = {Tempel, Philipp and Verl, Alexander and Pott, Andreas},
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booktitle = {ROMANSY 21 - Robot Design, Dynamics and Control},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-33714-2_48},
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pages = {431--438},
publisher = {Springer Verlag and Springer International Publishing},
series = {CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences},
timestamp = {2023-08-31T12:18:08.000+0200},
title = {On the Dynamics and Emergency Stop Behavior of Cable-Driven Parallel Robots},
type = {Publication},
url = {http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-319-33714-2_48},
volume = 569,
year = 2016