
Metal vs. Ligand Reduction in Complexes of 1,3-Dimethylalloxazine (DMA) with Copper(I), Ruthenium(II), and Tungsten(VI). Crystal Structures of (DMA)WO2Cl2 and (Bis(1-methylimidazol-2-yl)ketone)WO2Cl2

, , , , und . Inorganic Chemistry, 39 (18): 4052--4058 (2000)
DOI: 10.1021/ic0001816


(DMA)Cu(PPh3)2(BF4) (1, DMA = 1,3-dimethylalloxazine), (DMA)Ru(bpy)2(PF6)2 (2), and (DMA)WO2Cl2 (3) were obtained as O4-N5-chelated species, as evident from an x-ray crystal structure anal. for 3 and from spectroscopy (NMR, IR, and UV-visible spectroelectrochem.) for 1 and 2. The tungsten(VI) center in 3 has its oxide ligands in a cis/equatorial position and the chloride ligands in a trans/axial position; it also exhibits a relatively short bond to O4 (2.232(3) \AA) and a very long bond to N5 (2.462(3) \AA). Comparison with the new structurally characterized compd. (BIK)WO2Cl2 (4) (BIK = bis(1-methylimidazol-2-yl)ketone), which has W-N bonds of $\sim$2.30 \AA, confirms the unusual length of the W-N bond in 3, probably caused by repulsion between one of the oxo ligands and the peri-hydrogen atom (H6) of DMA. One-electron redn. of the complexes occurs reversibly at room temp. in THF (1, 2) or at 198 K in CH2Cl2 (3). EPR spectroscopy reveals that this process is ligand-centered for 1 and 2 but metal-centered for 3. D. functional methods and ab initio methodol. were used to illustrate the correspondence in spin distribution between the radical anion p systems of alloxazine and isoalloxazine (flavosemiquinone). on SciFinder(R)

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