
The laser: a universal tool for Industry 4.0

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With the average output power of ultrafast lasers just entering into the multi kW level, the usage of these lasers is currently being extended beyond the classical micro processing labs and is conquering large-scale manufacturing applications. We will therefore see more and more laser-based high-precision ultrafast material processing being performed on large-scale production machines that at a first sight look quite similar to those we are used to apply for the classical macro applications such as cutting or welding. The thought to perform all the known laser processes, which cover the complete range of manufacturing processes specified by the DIN 8580 (Figure 1), on one and the same machine therefore comes rather naturally. Looking at the modular architecture of the high-power ultrafast lasers, one easily comes to the additional con¬clusion that such a universal machine could even be realized with one and the same laser source. What this leads to is a universal machine that can virtually perform the complete range of laser-based manufacturing process just by changing the operation parameters. The ideal software-controlled universal tool for modern manufacturing.



  • @thomas_graf

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