Beliebiger Eintrag,

Sample 1 of human femoral heads: micro-XRCT data sets

, , , , und .
Dataset, (2021)
DOI: 10.18419/darus-1177


Data contains micro X-Ray Computed Tomography (micro-XRCT) data sets of an explanted femoral head. This specimen was donated by a male patient at the age of 74 and a bodyweight of 128 kg who received a hip endoprosthesis. Additional information was not given. The explantation took place in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Peter Helwig at the Clinic Heidenheim, southern Germany.The human femoral head was unfrozen before performing the micro-XRCT scans.We acquired three micro-XRCT data sets with two different geometric magnifications (resolutions). The data set "reconstructed_20201125_01.rar" is an overview scan of almost the entire human femoral head. The data sets "reconstructed_20201126_01.rar" and "reconstructed_20201127_01.rar" provide a detailed view of the center region. "reconstructed_20201126_01.rar" shows the lower part and "reconstructed_20201127_01.rar" the upper part of "reconstructed_20201125_01.rar".



  • @unibiblio
  • @svahiddastjerdi
  • @hsteeb
  • @matthiasruf

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