
Rolf-Peter Scholz, Jennifer Regner, Anke Theil, Patrik Erlmann, Gerlinde Holeiter, Ruth Jähne, Simone Schmid, Angelika Hausser, und Monilola a Olayioye. DLC1 interacts with 14-3-3 proteins to inhibit RhoGAP activity and block nucleocytoplasmic shuttling.. Journal of cell science, (122)Pt 1:92--102, 2009. [PUMA: 2008 hausser izi olayioye] URL

Thomas Eissing, Steffen Waldherr, Frank Allgöwer, Peter Scheurich, und Eric Bullinger. Response to bistability in apoptosis: Roles of Bax, Bcl-2, and mitochondrial permeability transition pores. Biophysical Journal, (92)9:3332--3334, 2007. [PUMA: 2007 izi scheuric] URL

Rolf Peter Scholz, Johan O.R. Gustafsson, Peter Hoffmann, Mamta Jaiswal, Mohammed Reza Ahmadian, Stephan A. Eisler, Patrik Erlmann, Simone Schmid, Angelika Hausser, und Monilola A. Olayioye. The tumor suppressor protein DLC1 is regulated by PKD-mediated GAP domain phosphorylation. Experimental Cell Research, (317)4:496--503, 2011. [PUMA: 2011 hausser izi olayioye] URL

M. Hörnle, N. Peters, B. Thayaparasingham, H. Vörsmann, H. Kashkar, und D. Kulms. Caspase-3 cleaves XIAP in a positive feedback loop to sensitize melanoma cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis. Oncogene, (30)5:575--587, 2011. [PUMA: 2011 izi] URL

Egbert Müller, und Alexander Faude. Investigation of salt properties with electro-acoustic measurements and their effect on dynamic binding capacity in hydrophobic interaction chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A, (1177)2:215--225, 2008. [PUMA: 2008 izi] URL

Angelika Hausser, Gisela Link, Miriam Hoene, Chiara Russo, Olaf Selchow, und Klaus Pfizenmaier. Phospho-specific binding of 14-3-3 proteins to phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase III β protects from dephosphorylation and stabilizes lipid kinase activity. Journal of Cell Science, (119)17:3613--3621, 2006. [PUMA: 2006 hausser izi pfizenmaier] URL

Miriam Rothdiener, Julia Beuttler, S. K. Messerschmidt, und Roland E. Kontermann. Antibody targeting of nanoparticles to tumor-specific receptors: immunoliposomes.. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), (624):295--308, 2010. [PUMA: 2010 izi kontermann] URL

Roland Stork, Emmanuelle Campigna, Bruno Robert, Dafne Müller, und Roland E. Kontermann. Biodistribution of a bispecific single-chain diabody and its half-life extended derivatives. Journal of Biological Chemistry, (284)38:25612--25619, 2009. [PUMA: 2009 izi kontermann] URL

Johannes Witt, Sandra Barisic, Oliver Sawodny, Michael Ederer, Dagmar Kulms, und Thomas Sauter. Modeling time delay in the NFκB signaling pathway following low dose IL-1 stimulation.. EURASIP journal on bioinformatics & systems biology, (2011)1:3, 2011. [PUMA: 2011 izi kulms sauter] URL

Monilola A. Olayioye, Michael Buchholz, Simone Schmid, Patrik Schöffler, Peter Hoffmann, und Thomas Pomorski. Phosphorylation of StarD10 on serine 284 by casein kinase II modulates its lipid transfer activity. Journal of Biological Chemistry, (282)31:22492--22498, 2007. [PUMA: 2007 izi olayioye] URL

Dieter Maier, Angelika Hausser, Anja C. Nagel, Gisela Link, Sabrina J. Kugler, Irmgard Wech, Klaus Pfizenmaier, und Anette Preiss. Drosophila protein kinase D is broadly expressed and a fraction localizes to the Golgi compartment. Gene Expression Patterns, (6)8:849--856, 2006. [PUMA: 2006 hausser izi] URL

Jonas Hopp, Nora Hornig, Kirstin A. Zettlitz, Aline Schwarz, Nadine Fuß, Dafne Müller, und Roland E. Kontermann. The effects of affinity and valency of an albumin-binding domain (ABD) on the half-life of a single-chain diabody-ABD fusion protein. Protein Engineering, Design and Selection, (23)11:827--834, 2010. [PUMA: 2010 izi kontermann mueller] URL

Jeannette Gerspach, Britta Schneider, Nicole Müller, Tina Otz, Harald Wajant, und Klaus Pfizenmaier. Genetic engineering of death ligands for improvement of therapeutic activity. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, (691):507--519, 2011. [PUMA: 2011 izi pfizenmaier] URL

J. Gerspach, D. Müller, S. Münkel, O. Selchow, J. Nemeth, M. Noack, H. Petrul, A. Menrad, H. Wajant, und Klaus Pfizenmaier. Restoration of membrane TNF-like activity by cell surface targeting and matrix metalloproteinase-mediated processing of a TNF prodrug. Cell Death and Differentiation, (13)2:273--284, 2006. [PUMA: 2006 izi mueller pfizenmaier] URL

Nicole Müller, Agnes Wyzgol, Sabine Münkel, Klaus Pfizenmaier, und Harald Wajant. Activity of soluble OX40 ligand is enhanced by oligomerization and cell surface immobilization. FEBS Journal, (275)9:2296--2304, 2008. [PUMA: 2008 izi pfizenmaier] URL

Johannes Witt, Sandra Barisic, Eva Schumann, Frank Allgöwer, Oliver Sawodny, Thomas Sauter, und Dagmar Kulms. Mechanism of PP2A-mediated IKKβ dephosphorylation: A systems biological approach. BMC Systems Biology, (3):71, 2009. [PUMA: 2009 izi kulms sauter] URL

A. Krippner-Heidenreich, I. Grunwald, G. Zimmermann, M. Kuhnle, J. Gerspach, T. Sterns, S. D. Shnyder, J. H. Gill, D. N. Mannel, K. Pfizenmaier, und P. Scheurich. Single-Chain TNF, a TNF Derivative with Enhanced Stability and Antitumoral Activity. The Journal of Immunology, (180)12:8176--8183, 2008. [PUMA: 2008 izi pfizenmaier] URL

Patrick Baum, Katrin Fundel-Clemens, Sebastian Kreuz, Roland E Kontermann, Andreas Weith, Detlev Mennerich, und Jörg F Rippmann. Off-target analysis of control siRNA molecules reveals important differences in the cytokine profile and inflammation response of human fibroblasts.. Oligonucleotides, (20)1:17--26, 2010. [PUMA: 2010 izi kontermann] URL

Harald Wajant, Jeannette Gerspach, und Klaus Pfizenmaier. Engineering death receptor ligands for cancer therapy. Cancer Letters, (332)2:163--174, 2013. [PUMA: 2013 izi pfizenmaier] URL

Roland Stork, Dafne Müller, und Roland E. Kontermann. A novel tri-functional antibody fusion protein with improved pharmacokinetic properties generated by fusing a bispecific single-chain diabody with an albumin-binding domain from streptococcal protein G. Protein Engineering, Design and Selection, (20)11:569--576, 2007. [PUMA: 2007 izi kontermann] URL

Tim Fugmann, Angelika Hausser, Patrik Schöffler, Simone Schmid, Klaus Pfizenmaier, und Monilola A. Olayioye. Regulation of secretory transport by protein kinase D-mediated phosphorylation of the ceramide transfer protein. Journal of Cell Biology, (178)1:15--22, 2007. [PUMA: 2007 hausser izi olayioye pfizenmaier] URL

Kornelia Ellwanger, Klaus Pfizenmaier, Sylke Lutz, und Angelika Hausser. Expression patterns of protein kinase D 3 during mouse development. BMC Developmental Biology, (8):47, 2008. [PUMA: 2008 hausser izi pfizenmaier] URL

Davoud Ahmadvand, Mohammad J. Rasaee, Fatemeh Rahbarizadeh, Roland E. Kontermann, und Farzaneh Sheikholislami. Cell selection and characterization of a novel human endothelial cell specific nanobody. Molecular Immunology, (46)8-9:1814--1823, 2009. [PUMA: 2009 izi kontermann] URL

Dafne Müller, und Roland E Kontermann. Recombinant bispecific antibodies for cellular cancer immunotherapy. Current opinion in molecular therapeutics, (9)4:319, 2007. [PUMA: 2007 izi kontermann mueller] URL

S. Ziegler, T. Eiseler, R.-P. Scholz, A. Beck, G. Link, und A. Hausser. A novel protein kinase D phosphorylation site in the tumor suppressor Rab interactor 1 is critical for coordination of cell migration. Molecular Biology of the Cell, (22)5:570--580, 2011. [PUMA: 2011 hausser izi] URL

Katalin Czöndör, Kornelia Ellwanger, Yannick F Fuchs, Sylke Lutz, Márton Gulyás, Isabelle M Mansuy, Angelika Hausser, Klaus Pfizenmaier, und Katalin Schlett. Protein kinase D controls the integrity of Golgi apparatus and the maintenance of dendritic arborization in hippocampal neurons.. Molecular biology of the cell, (20)7:2108--20, 2009. [PUMA: 2009 hausser izi pfizenmaier] URL

Roland E. Kontermann. Strategies to extend plasma half-lives of recombinant antibodies. BioDrugs, (23)2:93--109, 2009. [PUMA: 2009 izi kontermann] URL

B. Thayaparasingham, A. Kunz, und D. Kulms. Sensitization of melanoma cells to TRAIL by UVB-induced and NF-κB-mediated downregulation of xIAP. Oncogene, (28)3:345--362, 2009. [PUMA: 2009 izi kulms] URL

Birgit Singer-Krüger, Maja Lasić, Anna Maria Bürger, Angelika Haußer, Rüdiger Pipkorn, und Yi Wang. Yeast and human Ysl2p/hMon2 interact with Gga adaptors and mediate their subcellular distribution. EMBO Journal, (27)10:1423--1435, 2008. [PUMA: 2008 hausser izi] URL

Klaus Pfizenmaier, und David E. Szymkowski. Workshop Summary: Introduction to Rational Design of New Means for Therapeutic Modulation of Function of the TNF Family. Adv Exp Med Biol, (691):487--491, 2011. [PUMA: 2011 izi pfizenmaier] URL

Tim Eiseler, Angelika Hausser, Line De Kimpe, Johan Van Lint, und Klaus Pfizenmaier. Protein kinase D controls actin polymerization and cell motility through phosphorylation of cortactin. Journal of Biological Chemistry, (285)24:18672--18683, 2010. [PUMA: 2010 hausser izi pfizenmaier] URL

Sandra Barisic, Claudia Schmidt, Henning Walczak, und Dagmar Kulms. Tyrosine phosphatase inhibition triggers sustained canonical serine-dependent NFκB activation via Src-dependent blockade of PP2A. Biochemical Pharmacology, (80)4:439--447, 2010. [PUMA: 2010 izi kulms] URL

Björn Krenz, Felix Neugart, Tatjana Kleinow, und Holger Jeske. Self-interaction of Abutilon mosaic virus replication initiator protein (Rep) in plant cell nuclei. Virus Research, (161)2:194--197, 2011. [PUMA: 2011 izi] URL

B. Schneider, S. Münkel, A. Krippner-Heidenreich, I. Grunwald, W. S. Wels, H. Wajant, K. Pfizenmaier, und J. Gerspach. Potent antitumoral activity of TRAIL through generation of tumor-targeted single-chain fusion proteins. Cell Death and Disease, (1)8:e68, 2010. [PUMA: 2010 izi pfizenmaier] URL

Xiangbin Xu, Chang Hoon Ha, Chelsea Wong, Weiye Wang, Angelika Hausser, Klaus Pfizenmaier, Eric N. Olson, Timothy A. McKinsey, und Zheng Gen Jin. Angiotensin II stimulates protein kinase D-dependent histone deacetylase 5 phosphorylation and nuclear export leading to vascular smooth muscle cell hypertrophy. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, (27)11:2355--2362, 2007. [PUMA: 2007 hausser izi pfizenmaier] URL

Julia Ranzinger, Anja Krippner-Heidenreich, Tamas Haraszti, Eva Bock, Jessica Tepperink, Joachim P. Spatz, und Peter Scheurich. Nanoscale arrangement of apoptotic ligands reveals a demand for a minimal lateral distance for efficient death receptor activation. Nano Letters, (9)12:4240--4245, 2009. [PUMA: 2009 izi scheuric] URL

A. Wicovsky, F. Henkler, S. Salzmann, P. Scheurich, C. Kneitz, und H. Wajant. Tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor-1 enhances proinflammatory TNF receptor-2 signaling and modifies TNFR1-TNFR2 cooperation. Oncogene, (28)15:1769--1781, 2009. [PUMA: 2009 izi scheuric] URL

S. Barisic, E. Strozyk, N. Peters, H. Walczak, und D. Kulms. Identification of PP2A as a crucial regulator of the NF-$\kappa$B feedback loop: Its inhibition by UVB turns NF-κB into a pro-apoptotic factor. Cell Death and Differentiation, (15)11:1681--1690, 2008. [PUMA: 2008 izi kulms] URL

Roman Fischer, Olaf Maier, Matthias Naumer, Anja Krippner-Heidenreich, Peter Scheurich, und Klaus Pfizenmaier. Ligand-induced internalization of TNF receptor 2 mediated by a di-leucin motif is dispensable for activation of the NFκB pathway. Cellular Signalling, (23)1:161--170, 2011. [PUMA: 2011 izi pfizenmaier] URL

Harald Wajant, und Peter Scheurich. TNFR1-induced activation of the classical NF-κB pathway. FEBS Journal, (278)6:862--876, 2011. [PUMA: 2011 izi scheuric] URL

Patrik Erlmann, Simone Schmid, Florian A Horenkamp, Matthias Geyer, Thomas G Pomorski, und Monilola A Olayioye. DLC1 activation requires lipid interaction through a polybasic region preceding the RhoGAP domain.. Molecular biology of the cell, (20)20:4400--4411, 2009. [PUMA: 2009 izi olayioye] URL

Simone Brandt, Kornelia Ellwanger, Cornelia Beuter-Gunia, Marc Schuster, Angelika Hausser, Ingo Schmitz, und Sandra Beer-Hammer. SLy2 targets the nuclear SAP30/HDAC1 complex. International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, (42)9:1472--1481, 2010. [PUMA: 2010 hausser izi] URL

Kirstin A. Zettlitz, Julia Seitter, Dafne Müller, und Roland E. Kontermann. Humanization of a mouse monoclonal antibody directed against a cell surface-exposed epitope of membrane-associated heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70). Molecular Biotechnology, (46)3:265--278, 2010. [PUMA: 2010 izi kontermann] URL

Margarita Gerken, Anja Krippner-Heidenreich, Steffen Steinert, Sylvia Willi, Felix Neugart, Andrea Zappe, Jörg Wrachtrup, Carsten Tietz, und Peter Scheurich. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy reveals topological segregation of the two tumor necrosis factor membrane receptors. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes, (1798)6:1081--1089, 2010. [PUMA: 2010 izi scheuric] URL

A. Hesse, D. Kosmides, R. E. Kontermann, und D. M. Nettelbeck. Tropism Modification of Adenovirus Vectors by Peptide Ligand Insertion into Various Positions of the Adenovirus Serotype 41 Short-Fiber Knob Domain. Journal of Virology, (81)6:2688--2699, 2007. [PUMA: 2007 izi kontermann] URL

Kornelia Ellwanger, Christine Kienzle, Sylke Lutz, Zheng‑Gen Jin, Maria T. Wiekowski, Klaus Pfizenmaier, und Angelika Hausser. Protein kinase D controls voluntary-running-induced skeletal muscle remodelling. Biochemical Journal, (440)3:327--324, 2011. [PUMA: 2011 hausser izi pfizenmaier] URL

Gerlinde Holeiter, Johanna Heering, Patrik Erlmann, Simone Schmid, Ruth Jähne, und Monilola A. Olayioye. Deleted in liver cancer 1 controls cell migration through a dia1-dependent signaling pathway. Cancer Research, (68)21:8743--8751, 2008. [PUMA: 2008 izi olayioye] URL

Jeannette Gerspach, Klaus Pfizenmaier, und Harald Wajant. Therapeutic Targeting of CD95 and the TRAIL Death Receptors. Recent Patents on Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery, (6)3:294--310, 2011. [PUMA: 2011 izi pfizenmaier] URL

Marcus Branschädel, Andrew Aird, Andrea Zappe, Carsten Tietz, Anja Krippner-Heidenreich, und Peter Scheurich. Dual function of cysteine rich domain (CRD) 1 of TNF receptor type 1: Conformational stabilization of CRD2 and control of receptor responsiveness. Cellular Signalling, (22)3:404--414, 2010. [PUMA: 2010 izi scheuric] URL

Hoon Ha Chang, Weiye Wang, Sook Jhun Bong, Chelsea Wong, Angelika Hausser, Klaus Pfizenmaier, Timothy A. McKinsey, Eric N. Olson, und Zheng Gen Jin. Protein kinase D-dependent phosphorylation and nuclear export of histone deacetylase 5 mediates vascular endothelial growth factor-induced gene expression and angiogenesis. Journal of Biological Chemistry, (283)21:14590--14599, 2008. [PUMA: 2008 hausser izi pfizenmaier] URL

Sandra Barisić, Anja C. Nagel, Mirita Franz-Wachtel, Boris MacEk, Anette Preiss, Gisela Link, Dieter Maier, und Angelika Hausser. Phosphorylation of ser 402 impedes phosphatase activity of slingshot 1. EMBO Reports, (12)6:527--533, 2011. [PUMA: 2011 hausser izi] URL

Roman Fischer, Olaf Maier, Martin Siegemund, Harald Wajant, Peter Scheurich, und Klaus Pfizenmaier. A TNF receptor 2 selective agonist rescues human neurons from oxidative stress-induced cell death. PLoS ONE, (6)11:e27621, 2011. [PUMA: 2011 izi pfizenmaier] URL

Anna Moosmann, Jessica Blath, Robert Lindner, Egbert Müller, und Heiner Böttinger. Aldehyde PEGylation kinetics: A standard protein versus a pharmaceutically relevant single chain variable fragment. Bioconjugate Chemistry, (22)8:1545--1558, 2011. [PUMA: 2011 boettinger izi] URL

Dafne Müller, Anette Karle, Bettina Meißburger, Ines Höfig, Roland Stork, und Roland E. Kontermann. Improved pharmacokinetics of recombinant bispecific antibody molecules by fusion to human serum albumin. Journal of Biological Chemistry, (282)17:12650--12660, 2007. [PUMA: 2007 izi kontermann mueller] URL

Monilola A. Olayioye, Sandra Barisic, und Angelika Hausser. Multi-level control of actin dynamics by protein kinase D. Cellular Signalling, (25)9:1739--1747, September 2013. [PUMA: 2013 hausser izi olayioye] URL

Nora Hornig, Katharina Reinhardt, Vanessa Kermer, Roland E. Kontermann, und Dafne Müller. Evaluating combinations of costimulatory antibody-ligand fusion proteins for targeted cancer immunotherapy. Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy, (62)8:1369--1380, August 2013. [PUMA: 2013 izi kontermann] URL

H. Vörsmann, F. Groeber, H. Walles, S. Busch, S. Beissert, H. Walczak, und D. Kulms. Development of a human three-dimensional organotypic skin-melanoma spheroid model for in vitro drug testing. Cell Death and Disease, (4)7:e719--e719, Juli 2013. [PUMA: 2013 izi kulms] URL

Fabian Richter, Timo Liebig, Eric Guenzi, Andreas Herrmann, Peter Scheurich, Klaus Pfizenmaier, und Roland E. Kontermann. Antagonistic TNF receptor one-specific antibody (ATROSAB): Receptor binding and in vitro bioactivity. In Gernot Zissel (Hrsg.), PLoS ONE, (8)8:e72156, August 2013. [PUMA: 2013 izi kontermann pfizenmaier] URL

Verena Berger, Fabian Richter, Kirstin Zettlitz, Felix Unverdorben, Peter Scheurich, Andreas Herrmann, Klaus Pfizenmaier, und Roland E. Kontermann. An anti-TNFR1 scFv-HSA fusion protein as selective antagonist of TNF action. Protein Engineering, Design and Selection, (26)10:581--587, Oktober 2013. [PUMA: 2013 izi kontermann pfizenmaier] URL

Olaf Maier, Roman Fischer, Cristina Agresti, und Klaus Pfizenmaier. TNF receptor 2 protects oligodendrocyte progenitor cells against oxidative stress. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, (440)2:336--341, Oktober 2013. [PUMA: 2013 izi pfizenmaier] URL

Michaela Strotbek, Lore Florin, Jennifer Koenitzer, Anne Tolstrup, Hitto Kaufmann, Angelika Hausser, und Monilola A. Olayioye. Stable microRNA expression enhances therapeutic antibody productivity of Chinese hamster ovary cells. Metabolic Engineering, (20):157--166, November 2013. [PUMA: 2013 hausser izi olayioye] URL

Kristin Wahl, Martin Siegemund, Frank Lehner, Florian Vondran, Andreas Nüssler, Florian Länger, Till Krech, Roland Kontermann, Michael P. Manns, Klaus Schulze-Osthoff, Klaus Pfizenmaier, und Heike Bantel. Increased apoptosis induction in hepatocellular carcinoma by a novel tumor-targeted TRAIL fusion protein combined with bortezomib. Hepatology, (57)2:625--636, Februar 2013. [PUMA: 2013 izi kontermann pfizenmaier] URL

V. Kermer, N. Hornig, M. Harder, A. Bondarieva, R. E. Kontermann, und D. Muller. Combining Antibody-Directed Presentation of IL-15 and 4-1BBL in a Trifunctional Fusion Protein for Cancer Immunotherapy. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, (13)1:112--121, Januar 2014. [PUMA: 2014 izi kontermann mueller] URL

Stefan Kiesgen, Nora Liebers, Martin Cremer, Ulrich Arnold, Tobias Weber, Armin Keller, Christel Herold-Mende, Gerhard Dyckhoff, Dirk Jäger, Roland E. Kontermann, Michaela A.E. Arndt, Jürgen Krauss, und Anna Wu. A fusogenic dengue virus-derived peptide enhances antitumor efficacy of an antibody-ribonuclease fusion protein targeting the EGF receptor. Protein Engineering, Design and Selection, (27)10:331--337, Oktober 2014. [PUMA: 2014 izi kontermann] URL

David Barras, Nadja Chevalier, Vincent Zoete, Rosemary Dempsey, Karine Lapouge, Monilola A. Olayioye, Olivier Michielin, und Christian Widmann. A WXW Motif Is Required for the Anticancer Activity of the TAT-RasGAP317–326 Peptide. Journal of Biological Chemistry, (289)34:23701--23711, August 2014. [PUMA: 2014 izi olayioye] URL

Annabell Bischoff, Bettina Huck, Bettina Keller, Michaela Strotbek, Simone Schmid, Melanie Boerries, Hauke Busch, Dafne Müller, und Monilola A. Olayioye. MiR149 functions as a tumor suppressor by controlling breast epithelial cell migration and invasion. Cancer Research, (74)18:5256--5265, September 2014. [PUMA: 2014 izi olayioye] URL

Yvonne Möller, Martin Siegemund, Sven Beyes, Ricarda Herr, Daniele Lecis, Domenico Delia, Roland Kontermann, Tilman Brummer, Klaus Pfizenmaier, und Monilola A. Olayioye. EGFR-targeted TRAIL and a Smac mimetic synergize to overcome apoptosis resistance in KRAS mutant colorectal cancer cells. In John Souglakos (Hrsg.), PLoS ONE, (9)9:e107165, September 2014. [PUMA: 2014 izi kontermann olayioye pfizenmaier] URL

Simon Neumann, Jan Hasenauer, Nadine Pollak, und Peter Scheurich. Dominant negative effects of tumor necrosis factor (tnf)-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) receptor 4 on TRAIL receptor 1 signaling by Formation of heteromeric complexes. Journal of Biological Chemistry, (289)23:16576--16587, Juni 2014. [PUMA: 2014 izi scheuric] URL

Fabian Konrath, Johannes Witt, Thomas Sauter, und Dagmar Kulms. Identification of New IκBα Complexes by an Iterative Experimental and Mathematical Modeling Approach. In Feilim Mac Gabhann (Hrsg.), PLoS Computational Biology, (10)3:e1003528, März 2014. [PUMA: 2014 izi kulms] URL

Ronny Rüger, Felista L. Tansi, Markus Rabenhold, Frank Steiniger, Roland E. Kontermann, Alfred Fahr, und Ingrid Hilger. In vivo near-infrared fluorescence imaging of FAP-expressing tumors with activatable FAP-targeted, single-chain Fv-immunoliposomes. Journal of Controlled Release, (186):1--10, Juli 2014. [PUMA: 2014 izi kontermann] URL

Ulrich H. Weidle, Roland E. Kontermann, und Ulrich Brinkmann. Tumor-antigen-binding bispecific antibodies for cancer treatment. Seminars in Oncology, (41)5:653--660, Oktober 2014. [PUMA: 2014 izi kontermann] URL

Oliver Seifert, Nadine Pollak, Anja Nusser, Frank Steiniger, Ronny Rüger, Klaus Pfizenmaier, und Roland E. Kontermann. Immuno-LipoTRAIL: Targeted delivery of TRAIL-functionalized liposomal nanoparticles. Bioconjugate Chemistry, (25)5:879--887, Mai 2014. [PUMA: 2014 izi kontermann pfizenmaier] URL

Inés Fernández-Ulibarri, Katharina Hammer, Michaela A E Arndt, Johanna K. Kaufmann, Dominik Dorer, Sarah Engelhardt, Roland E. Kontermann, Jochen Hess, Heike Allgayer, Jürgen Krauss, und Dirk M. Nettelbeck. Genetic delivery of an immunoRNase by an oncolytic adenovirus enhances anticancer activity. International Journal of Cancer, (136)9:2228--2240, Mai 2015. [PUMA: 2015 izi kontermann] URL

Martin Siegemund, Fabian Richter, Oliver Seifert, Felix Unverdorben, und Roland E. Kontermann. Expression and Purification of Recombinant Antibody Formats and Antibody Fusion Proteins. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), (1131):273--295, 2014. [PUMA: 2014 izi kontermann] URL

Babett Oesterreich, Birgit Lorenz, Tim Schmitter, Roland Kontermann, Michael Zenn, Bastian Zimmermann, Markus Haake, Udo Lorenz, und Knut Ohlsen. Characterization of the biological anti-staphylococcal functionality of hUK-66 IgG1, ahumanized monoclonal antibody as substantial component for an immunotherapeutic approach. Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics, (10)4:926--937, 2014. [PUMA: 2014 izi kontermann] URL

Sarah K. Williams, Olaf Maier, Roman Fischer, Richard Fairless, Sonja Hochmeister, Aleksandar Stojic, Lara Pick, Doreen Haar, Sylvia Musiol, Maria K. Storch, Klaus Pfizenmaier, und Ricarda Diem. Antibody-mediated inhibition of TNFR1 attenuates disease in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis. In Ralf Andreas Linker (Hrsg.), PLoS ONE, (9)2:e90117, Februar 2014. [PUMA: 2014 izi pfizenmaier] URL

Bettina Huck, Stephan Duss, Angelika Hausser, und Monilola A. Olayioye. Elevated protein kinase D3 (PKD3) expression supports proliferation of Triple-negative breast cancer cells and contributes to mTORC1-S6K1 pathway activation. Journal of Biological Chemistry, (289)6:3138--3147, Februar 2014. [PUMA: 2014 hausser izi olayioye] URL

Mamta Jaiswal, Radovan Dvorsky, Ehsan Amin, Sarah L. Risse, Eyad K. Fansa, Si Cai Zhang, Mohamed S. Taha, Aziz R. Gauhar, Saeideh Nakhaei-Rad, Claus Kordes, Katja T. Koessmeier, Ion C. Cirstea, Monilola A. Olayioye, Dieter Häussinger, und Mohammad R. Ahmadian. Functional cross-talk between ras and rho pathways: A ras-specific gtpase-activating protein (p120RasGAP) competitively inhibits the rhogap activity of deleted in liver cancer (DLC) tumor suppressor by masking the catalytic arginine finger. Journal of Biological Chemistry, (289)10:6839--6849, März 2014. [PUMA: 2014 izi olayioye] URL

Christoph Wille, Conny Köhler, Milena Armacki, Arsia Jamali, Ulrike Gössele, Klaus Pfizenmaier, Thomas Seufferlein, und Tim Eiseler. Protein kinase D2 induces invasion of pancreatic cancer cells by regulating matrix metalloproteinases.. Molecular biology of the cell, (25)3:324--36, Februar 2014. [PUMA: 2014 izi pfizenmaier] URL

O. Seifert, A. Plappert, S. Fellermeier, M. Siegemund, K. Pfizenmaier, und R. E. Kontermann. Tetravalent Antibody-scTRAIL Fusion Proteins with Improved Properties. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, (13)1:101--111, Januar 2014. [PUMA: 2014 izi kontermann pfizenmaier] URL

Sebastian Raeth, Benedetto Sacchetti, Georg Siegel, Ulrike a Mau-Holzmann, Jan Hansmann, Gabriele Vacun, Thomas G Hauk, Klaus Pfizenmaier, und Angelika Hausser. A mouse bone marrow stromal cell line with skeletal stem cell characteristics to study osteogenesis in vitro and in vivo.. Stem cells and development, (23)10:1097--108, Mai 2014. [PUMA: 2014 hausser izi pfizenmaier] URL

Roman Fischer, Harald Wajant, Roland Kontermann, Klaus Pfizenmaier, und Olaf Maier. Astrocyte-specific activation of TNFR2 promotes oligodendrocyte maturation by secretion of leukemia inhibitory factor. Glia, (62)2:272--283, Februar 2014. [PUMA: 2014 izi kontermann pfizenmaier] URL

Liane Schuster, Oliver Seifert, Stefanie Vollmer, Roland E. Kontermann, Burkhard Schlosshauer, und Hanna Hartmann. Immunoliposomes for Targeted Delivery of an Antifibrotic Drug. Molecular Pharmaceutics, (12)9:3146--3157, September 2015. [PUMA: 2015 izi kontermann] URL

Dafne Müller. Antibody fusions with immunomodulatory proteins for cancer therapy. Pharmacology and Therapeutics, (154):57--66, Oktober 2015. [PUMA: 2015 izi mueller] URL

Inbal Wortzel, Tamar Hanoch, Ziv Porat, Angelika Hausser, und Rony Seger. Mitotic Golgi translocation of ERK1c is mediated by PI4KIIIβ/14-3-3γ shuttling complex.. Journal of cell science, (204)22:jcs.170910--, November 2015. [PUMA: 2015 hausser izi] URL

Roman Fischer, und Olaf Maier. Interrelation of oxidative stress and inflammation in neurodegenerative disease: Role of TNF. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, (2015):1--18, 2015. [PUMA: 2015 fischer izi maier] URL

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Krisztián Tárnok, Márton Gulyás, Norbert Bencsik, Katalin Ferenc, Klaus Pfizenmaier, Angelika Hausser, und Katalin Schlett. A new tool for the quantitative analysis of dendritic filopodial motility. Cytometry Part A, (87)1:89--96, Januar 2015. [PUMA: 2015 hausser izi pfizenmaier] URL

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