
Christoph Emilio Corcione, Fabian Jakob, Lukas Wagner, Raphael Joos, Andre Bisquerra, Marcel Schmidt, Andreas D. Wieck, Arne Ludwig, Michael Jetter, Simone Luca Portalupi, Peter Michler, and Cristina Tarin. Machine learning enhanced evaluation of semiconductor quantum dots. Scientific reports, (14)1:4154, Springer, 2024. [PUMA: mult oa ubs_10007 ubs_10008 ubs_10021 ubs_20011 ubs_20014 ubs_20018 ubs_30112 ubs_30113 ubs_30137 ubs_30161 ubs_40170 ubs_40173 ubs_40219 unibibliografie wos]

David Meister, Frank Dürr, and Frank Allgöwer. Shared Network Effects in Time- versus Event-Triggered Consensus of a Single-Integrator Multi-Agent System. In Hideaki Ishii, Yoshio Ebihara, Jun-ichi Imura, and Masaki Yamakita (Eds.), 22nd IFAC World Congress, 56, 2:5975-5980, Elsevier, 2023. [PUMA: mult sent ubs_10005 ubs_10007 ubs_20008 ubs_20011 ubs_30082 ubs_30113 ubs_40118 ubs_40173 unibibliografie]

Vincent Wagner, Robin Strässer, Frank Allgöwer, and Nicole Radde. A Provably Convergent Control Closure Scheme for the Method of Moments of the Chemical Master Equation. Journal of chemical theory and computation, (19)24:9049-9059, American Chemical Society, 2023. [PUMA: mult ubs_10007 ubs_10008 ubs_20011 ubs_20013 ubs_30113 ubs_30126 ubs_40173 ubs_40439 unibibliografie wos]

Julian Berberich, Carsten Scherer, and Frank Allgöwer. Combining Prior Knowledge and Data for Robust Controller Design. IEEE transactions on automatic control, (68)8:4618-4633, IEEE, 2023. [PUMA: mult ubs_10007 ubs_10008 ubs_20011 ubs_20013 ubs_30113 ubs_30125 ubs_40173 ubs_40314 unibibliografie wos]

Daniel Müller, Justinus Feilhauer, Jennifer Wickert, Julian Berberich, Frank Allgöwer, and Oliver Sawodny. Data-Driven Predictive Disturbance Observer for Quasi Continuum Manipulators. 2022 IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 1816-1822, IEEE, 2022. [PUMA: mult ubs_10007 ubs_20011 ubs_30112 ubs_30113 ubs_40170 ubs_40173 unibibliografie wos]

Johannes Kässinger, David Rosin, Frank Dürr, Niklas Hornischer, Oliver Röhrle, and Kurt Rothermel. Persival : Simulating Complex 3D Meshes on Resource-Constrained Mobile AR Devices Using Interpolation. 2022 IEEE 42nd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, 961-971, IEEE, 2022. [PUMA: mult ubs_10002 ubs_10005 ubs_10007 ubs_20002 ubs_20008 ubs_20011 ubs_30082 ubs_30113 ubs_30190 ubs_40118 ubs_40173 ubs_40393 unibibliografie wos]

Stefan Wildhagen, Frank Dürr, and Frank Allgöwer. Rollout event-triggered control : reconciling event- and time-triggered control. Automatisierungstechnik, (70)4:331-342, De Gruyter, 2022. [PUMA: mult ubs_10005 ubs_10007 ubs_20008 ubs_20011 ubs_30082 ubs_30113 ubs_40118 ubs_40173 unibibliografie wos]

Nadine Pollak, Aline Lindner, Dirke Imig, Karsten Kuritz, Jacques S. Fritze, Lorena Decker, Isabel Heinrich, Jannis Stadager, Stephan Eisler, Daniela Stöhr, Frank Allgöwer, Peter Scheurich, and Markus Rehm. Cell cycle progression and transmitotic apoptosis resistance promote escape from extrinsic apoptosis. Journal of cell science, (134)24:jcs258966, Company of Biologists, 2022. [PUMA: mult ubs_10003 ubs_10004 ubs_10007 ubs_10021 ubs_20003 ubs_20006 ubs_20011 ubs_20018 ubs_30063 ubs_30113 ubs_30162 ubs_30187 ubs_40096 ubs_40173 ubs_40354 unibibliografie wos]

Julian Wanner, Felix Brändle, and Oliver Sawodny. Trajectory planning with obstacle avoidance for a concrete pump using harmonic potentials. 21st IFAC World Congress, 53, 2:9873-9878, Elsevier, 2020. [PUMA: mult ubs_10007 ubs_20011 ubs_30112 ubs_30113 ubs_40170 ubs_40173 unibibliografie wos]

Wolfgang Halter, Nico Kress, Konrad Otte, Sabrina Reich, Bernhard Hauer, and Frank Allgöwer. Yield-Analysis of Different Coupling Schemes for Interconnected Bio-Reactors. In Catherine Bonnet, Bozenna Pasik-Duncan, Hitay Ozbay, and Qing Zhang (Eds.), 2015 Proceedings of the Conference on Control and its Applications (CT), 384-391, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2015. [PUMA: liste mult ubs_10003 ubs_10007 ubs_20003 ubs_20011 ubs_30113 ubs_30187 ubs_40173 ubs_40353 unibibliografie]

Jingbo Wu, Anja Elser, Shen Zeng, and Frank Allgöwer. Consensus-based Distributed Kalman-Bucy Filter for Continuous-time Systems. In Shun-ichi Azuma (Eds.), 6th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems NECSYS 2016, 49, 22:321-326, Elsevier, 2016. [PUMA: liste mult ubs_10007 ubs_20011 ubs_30110 ubs_30113 ubs_40167 ubs_40173 unibibliografie]

Mario Rosenfelder, Johannes Köhler, and Frank Allgöwer. Stability and performance in transient average constrained economic MPC without terminal constraints. In Rolf Findeisen, Sandra Hirche, Klaus Janschek, and Martin Mönningmann (Eds.), 21st IFAC World Congress, 53, 2:6943-6950, Elsevier, 2020. [PUMA: liste mult oa ubs_10007 ubs_20011 ubs_30113 ubs_30115 ubs_40173 ubs_40177 unibibliografie]

Julian Berberich, Anne Koch, Carsten W. Scherer, and Frank Allgöwer. Robust data-driven state-feedback design. 2020 American Control Conference (ACC), 1532-1538, IEEE, 2020. [PUMA: liste mult ubs_10007 ubs_10008 ubs_20011 ubs_20013 ubs_30113 ubs_30125 ubs_40173 ubs_40314 unibibliografie]

Steffen Linsenmayer, Ben W. Carabelli, Stefan Wildhagen, Kurt Rothermel, and Frank Allgöwer. Controller and Triggering Mechanism Co-design for Control Over Time-Slotted Networks. IEEE transactions on control of network systems, (8)1:222-232, IEEE, 2021. [PUMA: liste mult ubs_10005 ubs_10007 ubs_20008 ubs_20011 ubs_30082 ubs_30113 ubs_40118 ubs_40173 unibibliografie]

Shuyou Yu, Matthias Hirche, Yanjun Huang, Hong Chen, and Frank Allgöwer. Model predictive control for autonomous ground vehicles : a review. Autonomous Intelligent Systems, (1):4, Springer Nature, 2021. [PUMA: liste mult oa ubs_10003 ubs_10007 ubs_20003 ubs_20011 ubs_30032 ubs_30113 ubs_40052 ubs_40173 unibibliografie]

Daniel Müller, Carina Veil, Marc Seidel, and Oliver Sawodny. One-Shot kinesthetic programming by demonstration for soft collaborative robots. Mechatronics, (70)October:102418, Elsevier, 2020. [PUMA: mult ubs_10007 ubs_20011 ubs_30112 ubs_30113 ubs_40170 ubs_40173 unibibliografie wos]

Dirke Imig, Nadine Pollak, Frank Allgöwer, and Markus Rehm. Sample-based modeling reveals bidirectional interplay between cell cycle progression and extrinsic apoptosis. PLOS Computational Biology, (16)6:e1007812, PLOS, 2020. [PUMA: mult oa ubs_10004 ubs_10007 ubs_20006 ubs_20011 ubs_30063 ubs_30113 ubs_40096 ubs_40173 unibibliografie wos]

Dirke Imig, Nadine Pollak, Felix Weiß, Markus Rehm, and Frank Allgöwer. Individual-based modeling explains effects of TRAIL treatment in cancer cells. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 52, 26:207-212, Elsevier, Frankfurt, 2019. [PUMA: mult ubs_10004 ubs_10007 ubs_20006 ubs_20011 ubs_30063 ubs_30113 ubs_40096 ubs_40173 unibibliografie wos]

Karsten Kuritz, Daniela Stöhr, Daniela Simone Maichl, Nadine Pollak, Markus Rehm, and Frank Allgöwer. Reconstructing Temporal and Spatial Dynamics from Single-Cell Pseudotime Using Prior Knowledge of Real Scale Cell Densities. Scientific Reports, (10):3619, Springer Nature, 2020. [PUMA: dfg f2020 mult oa oafonds ubs_10004 ubs_10007 ubs_20006 ubs_20011 ubs_30063 ubs_30113 ubs_40096 ubs_40173 ubs_40364 unibibliografie]

Jan Hasenauer, Steffen Waldherr, Malgorzata Doszczak, Nicole E. Radde, Peter Scheurich, and Frank Allgöwer. Identification of Models of Heterogeneous Cell Populations from Population Snapshot Data. BMC Bioinformatics, (12):125, BioMed Central, 2011. [PUMA: dfg f2011 mult oa oafonds ubs_10004 ubs_10007 ubs_20011 ubs_30113 ubs_40172 ubs_40173 unibibliografie]