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L. Salinas, and P. Klemm. A Method for Optimization and Early Testing of Technical Production Software:Challenges and Application: A Method for Optimization and Early Testing of Technical Production Software:Challenges and Application. --, 2009. [PUMA: Simulation Leitsysteme ISW]

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Claus Braun, Stefan Holst, Hans-Joachim Wunderlich, Juan Manuel Castillo, and Joachim Gross. Acceleration of Monte-Carlo Molecular Simulations on Hybrid Computing Architectures. Proceedings of the 30th IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD'12), 207--212, IEEE Computer Society, 2012. [PUMA: myown molecular simulation Monte-Carlo thermodynamics GPU heterogeneous GPGPU computer hybrid parallel SimTech Markov-Chain architectures]

Alexander Schöll, Claus Braun, Markus Daub, Guido Schneider, and Hans-Joachim Wunderlich. Adaptive Parallel Simulation of a Two-Timescale-Model for Apoptotic Receptor-Clustering on GPUs. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM'14), 424--431, 2014. [PUMA: myown approximation ligand-receptor-model simulation aggregation GPU Euler-Maruyama heterogeneous multi-timescale adaptive parallel computing SimTech particle]

Johannes Michel, Nico Ulff, Manuel Henn, Brian Simonds, Peter Hosemann, Frederik Zanger, Christian Hagenlocher, and Thomas Graf. Adjusting the microstructure of additively manufactured parts with tailored temperature fields by the combination of powder bed fusion with cw-laser and ablation with ultrashort laser pulses. In Bo Gu, and Hongqiang Chen (Eds.), Laser 3D Manufacturing XI, (12876)SPIE, March 2024. [PUMA: Heat-dissipatingStructures myown Simulation AdditiveManufacturing PBF-LB/M AlSi10Mg UltrashortPulse Microstructure Ablation Solidification] URL

Johannes Michel, Nico Ulff, Manuel Henn, Brian Simonds, Peter Hosemann, Frederik Zanger, Christian Hagenlocher, and Thomas Graf. Adjusting the microstructure of additively manufactured parts with tailored temperature fields by the combination of powder bed fusion with cw-laser and ablation with ultrashort laser pulses. In Bo Gu, and Hongqiang Chen (Eds.), SPIE, 2024. [PUMA: Heat-dissipatingStructures myown Simulation AdditiveManufacturing PBF-LB/M AlSi10Mg UltrashortPulse Microstructure Ablation Solidification]

Johannes Michel, Nico Ulff, Manuel Henn, Brian Simonds, Peter Hosemann, Frederik Zanger, Christian Hagenlocher, and Thomas Graf. Adjusting the microstructure of additively manufactured parts with tailored temperature fields by the combination of powder bed fusion with cw-laser and ablation with ultrashort laser pulses. In Bo Gu, and Hongqiang Chen (Eds.), Laser 3D Manufacturing XI, (12876)SPIE, March 2024. [PUMA: Heat-dissipatinStructures Heat-dissipatingStructures myown PBF-LB/M Heat-dissipating Ablation Solidification USP with Additive Simulation AdditiveManufacturing of structures AlSi10Mg field UltrashortPulse manufacturing Microstructure temperature] URL

Johannes Michel, Nico Ulff, Manuel Henn, Brian Simonds, Peter Hosemann, Frederik Zanger, Christian Hagenlocher, and Thomas Graf. Adjusting the microstructure of additively manufactured parts with tailored temperature fields by the combination of powder bed fusion with cw-laser and ablation with ultrashort laser pulses. In Bo Gu, and Hongqiang Chen (Eds.), SPIE, 2024. [PUMA: Heat-dissipatingStructures myown Simulation AdditiveManufacturing PBF-LB/M AlSi10Mg UltrashortPulse Microstructure Ablation Solidification]

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verschiedene. Advances in Architectural Geometry 2014. In Philippe Block, Jan Knippers, Niloy J. Mitra, and Wenping Wang (Eds.), Springer International Publishing, 2015. [PUMA: morphology simulation knippers itke wang 2015 advances mitra fabrication geometry block architectural architecture]

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Claus Braun. Algorithm-based fault tolerance for matrix operations on graphics processing units: analysis and extension to autonomous operation.. 2015. [PUMA: myown linear error error-detection algebra fault-tolerance simulation matrix-operations fault GPU GPGPU ABFT SimTech algorithm-based]