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Dr. Marcel Hörning University of Stuttgart

Data for: Correlation of mitochondrial TOM core complex stop-and-go and open-closed channel dynamics, , , , , and . Dataset, (2022)Related to: Shuo Wang, Lukas Findeisen, Sebastian Leptihn, Mark I. Wallace, Marcel Hörning, Stephan Nussberger. Spatiotemporal stop-and-go dynamics of the mitochondrial TOM core complex correlates with channel activity. Commun Biol 5, 471 (2022). doi: 10.1038/s42003-022-03419-4.
Data for: Correlation of mitochondrial TOM core complex stop-and-go and open-closed channel dynamics, , , , , and . Dataset, (2022)Related to: Shuo Wang, Lukas Findeisen, Sebastian Leptihn, Mark I. Wallace, Marcel Hörning, Stephan Nussberger. Spatiotemporal stop-and-go dynamics of the mitochondrial TOM core complex correlates with channel activity. Commun Biol 5, 471 (2022). doi: 10.1038/s42003-022-03419-4.Spatiotemporal stop-and-go dynamics of the mitochondrial TOM core complex correlates with channel activity, , , , , and . Communications biology, (2022)Dynamics of spatiotemporal line defects and chaos control in complex excitable systems, , , and . Scientific reports, (2017)

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