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Cover Picture: Visible‐Light Activation of Diorganyl Bis(pyridylimino) Isoindolide Aluminum(III) Complexes and Their Organometallic Radical Reactivity (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 19/2024), , , , , , and . Angewandte Chemie International Edition, (April 2024)Titelbild: Aktivierung von Diorganyl‐bis(pyridylimino)isoindolid‐Aluminiumkomplexen mit sichtbarem Licht und deren organometallische Radikalreaktivität (Angew. Chem. 19/2024), , , , , , and . Angewandte Chemie, (April 2024)Aktivierung von Diorganyl‐bis(pyridylimino)isoindolid‐Aluminiumkomplexen mit sichtbarem Licht und deren organometallische Radikalreaktivität, , , , , , and . Angewandte Chemie, (April 2024)Hydrogen bond-aromaticity cooperativity in self-assembling 4-pyridone chains., , , and . Journal of Computational Chemistry, 37 (1): 59-63 (2016)Interplay between aromaticity and strain in double group transfer reactions to 1, 2-benzyne., and . Journal of Computational Chemistry, 37 (14): 1265-1273 (2016)Controlling the oxidative addition of aryl halides to Au(I)., , and . Journal of Computational Chemistry, 35 (29): 2140-2145 (2014)Visible-Light Activation of Diorganyl Bis(pyridylimino) Isoindolide Aluminum(III) Complexes and Their Organometallic Radical Reactivity, , , , , , and . Angewandte Chemie. International edition, 63 (19): e202402885 (2024)Origin of the "endo rule" in Diels-Alder reactions., and . Journal of Computational Chemistry, 35 (5): 371-376 (2014)Alder-ene reaction: Aromaticity and activation-strain analysis., and . Journal of Computational Chemistry, 33 (5): 509-516 (2012)A Route to Base Coordinate Silicon Difluoride and the Silicon Trifluoride Radical, , , , , , , , , and 1 other author(s). Chemistry : A European Journal, 24 (6): 1264-1268 (2018)