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Experimental Study on dehumidification/regeneration of Liquid Desiccant: LiBr Solution., , , and . ANT/SEIT, volume 32 of Procedia Computer Science, page 673-680. Elsevier, (2014)The Fast Solution of Three-Dimensional Fluid Dynamical N-Body Problems Using Parallel Tree Codes: Vortex Element Method and Boundary Element Method., , , and . PPSC, page 301-306. (1995)Experimental Comparative Study on Lithium Chloride and Calcium Chloride Desiccants., , , , and . ANT/SEIT, volume 83 of Procedia Computer Science, page 718-725. Elsevier, (2016)DIII-D research advancing the physics basis for optimizing the tokamak approach to fusion energy, , , , , , , , , and 821 other author(s). Nuclear fusion, 62 (4): 042024 (2022)Fokusierung und Dämpfung von Stoßwellen bei Excimerlasern hoher Leistung. (July 1992)DIII-D research advancing the physics basis for optimizing the tokamak approach to fusion energy, , , , , , , , , and 820 other author(s). Nuclear Fusion, (2022)A partition experimental design for a sequential process with a large number of variables., , and . Quality and Reliability Eng. Int., 23 (5): 555-564 (2007)The inverted pendulum model of bipedal standing cannot be stabilized through direct feedback of force and contractile element length and velocity at realistic series elastic element stiffness., and . Biological Cybernetics, 99 (1): 29-41 (2008)More ZCPS-Wh(v) and Several New Infinite Classes of Z-cyclic Whist Tournaments., and . Discrete Applied Mathematics, 85 (3): 193-202 (1998)Multi-abstraction level signature generation and comparison based on radiation single event upset., , , , , and . IOLTS, page 212-215. IEEE, (2014)