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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Experimental measurements and design guidelines for real-time software encryption in multimedia wireless LANs., , und . Cluster Computing, 2 (1): 35-43 (1999)Adaptive congestion control in infrastructure wireless LANs with bounded medium access delay., , und . MOBIWAC, Seite 44-49. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)Temporal topology control in multi-channel multihop wireless access., und . BROADNETS, Seite 431-440. IEEE, (2005)A MAC Protocol for QoS Support in MI-UWB based Wireless Network., und . BROADNETS, IEEE, (2006)An optimization framework for demand-based fair stream allocation in MIMO ad hoc networks., , und . BROADNETS, Seite 780-788. IEEE, (2007)Finite Buffer Queueing Models for Single and Multiple Transmissions Channel Access Protocols., und . Computer Performance and Reliability, Seite 321-335. North-Holland, (1987)Tractable analytic models of demand assignment protocols in networks with arbitrary buffer capacity., und . IEEE Trans. Communications, 40 (5): 926-939 (1992)Channel allocation protocols in frequency-time controlled high speed networks., und . IEEE Trans. Communications, 36 (4): 430-440 (1988)On Resource Discovery in Distributed Systems with Mobile Hosts., , und . MobiCom, Seite 50-55. ACM, (1996)An Efficient Solution to Finite Buffer Non-Persistent Carrier Sense Multiple Access Protocol., und . Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, 18 (4): 263-274 (1989)