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A classification of location privacy attacks and approaches., , , and . Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 18 (1): 163-175 (2014)On Contextcast: A Context-Aware Communication Mechanism., , and . ICC, page 1-5. IEEE, (2009)Context-aware and quality-aware algorithms for efficient mobile object management., , , , and . Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 8 (1): 131-146 (2012)PShare: Ensuring location privacy in non-trusted systems through multi-secret sharing., , and . Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 9 (3): 339-352 (2013)Temporal addressing for mobile context-aware communication., , , and . MobiQuitous, page 1-10. ICST / IEEE, (2009)Improving the Efficiency of Cloud Infrastructures with Elastic Tandem Machines.. IEEE CLOUD, page 91-98. IEEE, (2013)Efficient Capturing of Environmental Data with Mobile RFID Readers., , and . Mobile Data Management, page 41-51. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)OID: Optimized Information Discovery Using Space Filling Curves in P2P Overlay Networks., , , , , and . ICPADS, page 311-319. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)On the Privacy of Frequently Visited User Locations., , and . MDM, page 282-291. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)Routing algorithms for IEEE802.1Qbv networks., , and . SIGBED Review, 15 (3): 13-18 (2018)