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Low-dimensional data-based surrogate model of a continuum-mechanical musculoskeletal system based on non-intrusive model order reduction, , , , and . Archive of Applied Mechanics, (Jun 28, 2023)preprint: Focus to learn more.Dynamics of complex autonomous Boolean networks.. Berlin Institute of Technology, (2014)Persival : Simulating Complex 3D Meshes on Resource-Constrained Mobile AR Devices Using Interpolation, , , , , and . 2022 IEEE 42nd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, page 961-971. IEEE, (2022)Low-dimensional Data-based Surrogate Model of a Continuum-mechanical Musculoskeletal System Based on Non-intrusive Model Order Reduction, , , and . (2023)Persival: Using Delayed Remote Updates in a Distributed Mobile Simulation, , , , , and . 2023 32nd International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), page 1-10. IEEE, (2023)Low-dimensional data-based surrogate model of a continuum-mechanical musculoskeletal system based on non-intrusive model order reduction, , , , and . Archive of applied mechanics, (2023)PerSival: Neural-network-based visualisation for pervasive continuum-mechanical simulations in musculoskeletal biomechanics, , , , , and . (2023)Continuum-mechanical Forward Simulation Results of a Human Upper-limb Model Under Varying Muscle Activations, , , , and . Software, (2023)Related to: Kneifl, J, Rosin, D., Röhrle, O., Fehr, J.: Low-dimensional Data-based Surrogate Model of a Continuum-mechanical Musculoskeletal System Based on Non-intrusive Model Order Reduction, 2022. tbd.PerSiVal: On-Body AR Visualization of Biomechanical Arm Simulations, , , , , , , and . IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, (2024)Synchronization of Coupled Neural oscillators with Heterogeneous delays., , , and . I. J. Bifurcation and Chaos, (2013)