
Open Access zwischen Revolution und Goldesel. Eine Bilanz fünfzehn Jahre nach der Erklärung der Budapest Open Access Initiative

Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis, 68 (1): 1--10 (February 2017)


The declaration and positions on Open Access in the early 2000s spread a mood of upheaval, euphoria, and idealism, a revolution of scientific publishing was regularly predicted. The expectations for Open Access were obvious and clear: scientists wanted to share their own articles immediately with other scientist (and they also wanted to have easy fulltext access to the texts of their colleagues), librarians needed a remedy for exploding journal prices, the scientific institutions wanted funded research to be efficiently and freely disseminated. Only the position of the commercial publishers to Open Access was predominantly hesitant or even disapproving. This contribution attempts to draw a balance on Open Access - 15 years after the Budapest Open Access Initiative meeting in 2001. 2016 it must be noted that the hopes of Open Access advocates for a revolution will be disappointed. On the contrary, today the development of Open Access seems to be largely driven by the commercial publishers, which were barely mentioned in the early Open Access scenarios. Although there non-commercial Open Access in scientific self-administration exists, today the actors in scientific publishing are still the same as in 2001, and the already known concentration effects on the publishing market continue.



  • @droessler

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