
Marie Davidová. Breathing Artifacts of Urban BioClimatic Layers for Post-Anthropocene Urban Environment. Sustainability, (13)20:1-36, 2021. [PUMA: systemic myown approach cross-species cities breathing coliving from:mariedavidova performance responsive rp29 walls design peer metabolic to gigamapping wood architectural systems-oriented post-Anthropocene]

Marie Davidová, Shanu Sharma, Dermott McMeel, und Fernando Loizides. CO-DE|GT BETA: The 21st Century Economy App for CrossSpecies CoLiving. In Mieke van der Bijl-Brouwer (Hrsg.), Relating Systems Thinking and Design (RSD10) 2021 Symposium, 1-10, Systemic Design Association, 2021. [PUMA: systemic myown approach tokenisation from:mariedavidova performance gamification rp29 DIY blockchain systems design peer to oriented architectural intervention] URL

Marie Davidová, Susu Nousala, und Thomas J. Marlowe. Editorial Introduction – Sustainable, Smart and Systemic Design Post-Anthropocene: Through a Transdisciplinary Lens. In Marie Davidová, Susu Nousala, und Thomas J. Marlowe (Hrsg.), Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, (20)7:1-10, Dezember 2022. [PUMA: cybernetics design from:mariedavidova myown performance postanthropocene rp29 systemic]

Xiao Hu, Magda Sibley, und Marie Davidová. Applying a Systemic Approach for Sustainable Urban Hillside Landscape Design and Planning: The Case Study City of Chongqing in China. In Marie Davidová, Susu Nousala, und J. Thomas Marlowe (Hrsg.), Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, (20)1:121-153, Dezember 2022. [PUMA: systemic myown from:mariedavidova performance responsive rp29 design peer postanthropocene gigamapping architectural]

Marie Davidová, Leonie K. Fischer, und Martha Teye. POL– AI: Leveraging Urban EcoSystem. In Ben Sweeting (Hrsg.), Relating Systems Thinking and Design (RSD11) 2022 Symposium, 1-11, Systemic Design Association, Oktober 2022. [PUMA: systemic myown biodiversity AI from:mariedavidova performance rp29 design peer image-recognition urban more-than-human]

Yannis Zavoleas, Peter R. Stevens, Jenny Johnstone, und Marie Davidová. More-Than-Human Perspective in Indigenous Cultures: Holistic Systems Informing Computational Models in Architecture, Urban and Landscape Design towards the Post-Anthropocene Epoch. In Morten Gjerde (Hrsg.), Buildings, (13)1:1-23, Januar 2023. [PUMA: architecture computational design from:mariedavidova indigenous landscape mapping more-than-humas paintings peer rp29 systemic urban] URL

Marie Davidová, Shanu Sharma, Dermott McMeel, und Fernando Loizides. Co-De|GT: The Gamification and Tokenisation of More-Than-Human Qualities and Values. In Volker Schwieger, Philip Leistner, Cordula Kropp, und Werner Sobek (Hrsg.), Sustainability, (14)3787:1-20, März 2022. [PUMA: systemic myown tokenisation from:mariedavidova performance quality rp29 blockchain diy design peer architectural more-than-human] URL