
Steffen Hasenzahl, Wolfgang Kaim, and Thomas. Stahl. Charge and electron transfer from metal-to-carbon bonds of Main Group organometallics MRn (M = Al, Ga, Zn) to aromatic N-heterocycles: Colored precursor compounds and radical complex formation. Inorganica Chimica Acta, (225)1-2:23--34, 1994. [PUMA: Group aluminum bond carbon charge gallium metal organometallic organometallic;Main organometallic;heterocycle reaction transfer zinc]

Biprajit Sarkar, Wolfgang Kaim, Jan Fiedler, and Carole. Duboc. Molecule-Bridged Mixed-Valent Intermediates Involving the RuI Oxidation State. Journal of the American Chemical Society, (126)45:14706--14707, 2004. [PUMA: UV arene areneruthenium azobispyridine bridged charge complex complex;redox complex;ruthenium dimer;EPR dimer;cyclic diruthenium iminomethylpyrazine mixed potential prepn spectra transfer transition valence voltammetry]

Mark R. Ringenberg, Max Schwilk, Florian Wittkamp, Ulf-Peter Apfel, and Wolfgang. Kaim. Organometallic Fe-Fe Interactions: Beyond Common Metal-Metal Bonds and Inverse Mixed-Valent Charge Transfer. Chemistry - A European Journal, (23)8:1770--1774, 2017. [PUMA: bond calcn;mol carbonyl charge complex crystal ferrocenyl iron mol optimized prepn;mixed redox spectroelectrochem structure transfer valent]

Fridmann M. Hornung, Frank Baumann, Wolfgang Kaim, Jose A. Olabe, Leonardo D. Slep, and Jan. Fiedler. Spectroelectrochemical Characterization of the Two-Step Redox System (μ-pz)[Os(CN)5]2n- (n = 4, 5, 6; pz = Pyrazine). Similarities and Differences in Relation to the Creutz-Taube System. Inorganic Chemistry, (37)2:311--316, 1998. [PUMA: charge cyano dinuclear dinuclear;electrochem dinuclear;osmium osmium oxidn prepn pyrazine spectra spectroelectrochem transfer]

Fridmann M. Hornung, Karl Wilhelm Klinkhammer, and Wolfgang. Kaim. New sulfide-bridged heterocubanes [MVI(S)ReI3(CO)9(m3-S)4]-, M = Mo or W, with transition metals in very different oxidation states. Chemical Communications (Cambridge, United Kingdom), 18:2055--2056, 1998. [PUMA: carbonyl charge heterocubane heterocubane;crystal heterocubane;cubane heterocubane;rhenium heterocubane;tungsten molybdenum potential prepn prepn;molybdenum prepn;redn prepn;structure rhenium structure sulfido sulfidorhenium transfer tungsten]

Anita Grupp, Martina Bubrin, Fabian Ehret, Qiang Zeng, Frantisek Hartl, Hana Kvapilova, Stanislav Zalis, and Wolfgang. Kaim. RuII(a-diimine) or RuIII(a-diimine·-)? Structural, Spectroscopic, and Theoretical Evidence for the Stabilization of a Prominent Metal-to-Ligand Charge-Transfer Excited-State Configuration in the Ground State. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, (2014)1:110--119, 2014. [PUMA: ESR acetylacetonato alpha charge complex configuration crystal diazabutadiene excited ground ligand metal mol pentanedionate prepn radical ruthenium spectroelectrochem;diimine state structure;stabilization transfer]

Sudipta Mondal, Brigitte Schwederski, Wolfgang Frey, Jan Fiedler, Stanislav Zalis, and Wolfgang. Kaim. At the Borderline between Metal-Metal Mixed Valency and a Radical Bridge Situation: Four Charge States of a Diruthenium Complex with a Redox-Active Bis(mer-tridentate) Ligand. Inorganic Chemistry, (57)7:3983--3992, 2018. [PUMA: DFT active;ruthenium analysis bridge charge complex;mixed crystal diruthenium prepn radical redox ruthenium salicyloylhydrazide spectroelectrochem state structure tertbutylterpyridine valency]

Wolfgang Kaim, Axel Klein, Steffen Hasenzahl, Hermann Stoll, Stanislav Zalis, and Jan. Fiedler. Reactions of New Organoplatinum(II) and -(IV) Complexes of 1,4-Diaza-1,3-butadienes with Light and Electrons. Emission vs Photochemistry and the Electronic Structures of Ground, Reduced, Oxidized, and Low-Lying Charge-Transfer Excited States. Organometallics, (17)2:237--247, 1998. [PUMA: HF MO alkyl aryl charge chelate chelate;DAB chelate;diazabutadiene chelate;oxidized diazabutadiene excited low lying organoplatinum platinum prepn prepn;electronic reaction;DFT structure transfer]

Stephanie Frantz, Jochen Rall, Ingo Hartenbach, Thomas Schleid, Stanislav Zalis, and Wolfgang. Kaim. Metal-induced tautomerization of p- to o-quinone compounds: Experimental evidence from CuI and ReI complexes of azophenine and DFT studies. Chemistry - A European Journal, (10)1:149--154, 2004. [PUMA: DFT azophenine charge complex copper crystal prepn rhenium structure;mol structure;tautomer transfer]

Markus Glockle, Nestor E. Katz, Michael Ketterle, and Wolfgang. Kaim. Qualitatively and quantitatively different solvatochromism of the MLCT and MMCT absorption bands of centrosymmetric acceptor-bridged diiron(II,II) and diiron(III,II) cyanide complexes. Inorganica Chimica Acta, (336):55--60, 2002. [PUMA: absorption charge complex cyano iron mixed solvatochromism transfer valence]

Wolfgang Kaim, Monika Sieger, Stefan Greulich, Biprajit Sarkar, Jan Fiedler, and Stanislav. Zalis. The 1,4-diazabutadiene/1,2-enediamido non-innocent ligand system in the formation of iridaheteroaromatic compounds: Spectroelectrochemistry and electronic structure. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, (695)7:1052--1058, 2010. [PUMA: Frontier charge complex cyclopentadienyl electrochem electrochem;cyclopentadienyl enediamido iridium mol orbital;electronic oxidn structure transfer transition]

Fridmann M. Hornung, Frank Baumann, Wolfgang Kaim, Jose A. Olabe, Leonardo D. Slep, and Jan. Fiedler. Spectroelectrochemical Characterization of the Two-Step Redox System (μ-pz)[Os(CN)5]2n- (n = 4, 5, 6; pz = Pyrazine). Similarities and Differences in Relation to the Creutz-Taube System. [Erratum to document cited in CA128:56656]. Inorganic Chemistry, (37)20:5402, 1998. [PUMA: charge cyano dinuclear electrochem erratum erratum;cyano erratum;electrochem erratum;erratum erratum;oxidn erratum;transfer osmium oxidn prepn pyrazine pyrazine;osmium spectra spectroelectrochem transfer]

Wolfgang Kaim, Sylvia Ernst, and Stephan. Kohlmann. Colored complexes: The charge transfer phenomenon. Chemie in Unserer Zeit, (21)2:50--58, 1987. [PUMA: charge colored complex review transfer]

Renate Gross, and Wolfgang. Kaim. Charge-transfer and electron-transfer properties of d6 metal complexes with m-pyrazine. Mononuclear and binuclear manganese(I) compounds. Inorganic Chemistry, (25)4:498--506, 1986. [PUMA: charge complex complex;ESR complex;MO complex;cyclic complex;electron complex;redox manganese pyrazine transfer voltammetry]

Conny Vogler, and Wolfgang. Kaim. Mononuclear bis(triphenylphosphine)copper(I) complexes of bidiazines. Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, B: A Journal of Chemical Sciences, (47)8:1057--1062, 1992. [PUMA: bidiazine bipyrazine bipyridazine bipyrimidine;redn charge complex complex;copper copper potential transfer]

Amarendra Nath Maity, Brigitte Schwederski, and Wolfgang. Kaim. The redox pair (μ4-TCNE)[Fe(CO)2(C5H5)]44+/3+: Surprisingly small metal-ligand interaction and the first resolved EPR hyperfine structure (13C, 14N, 57Fe) of a tetranuclear complex with TCNE-. Inorganic Chemistry Communications, (8)7:600--602, 2005. [PUMA: MLCT band bridged charge complex complex;EPR complex;metal complex;redox complex;tetracyanoethylene coordinated coupling cyclopentadienyl cyclopentadienyliron dicarbonyl hyperfine interaction iron ligand nitrogen potential prepn spectrum tetracyanoethylene tetranuclear transfer]

Christian Bessenbacher, Conny Vogler, and Wolfgang. Kaim. Stabilization of biochemically interesting intermediates by metal coordination. 6. Charge transfer in complexes of 1,3-dimethyllumazine with low-valent metals. Inorganic Chemistry, (28)26:4645--4648, 1989. [PUMA: charge complex complex;electrochem complex;ruthenium complex;transition lumazine lumazine;copper lumazine;rhenium metal redox transfer transition]

Eberhard Waldhoer, Juergen Poppe, Wolfgang Kaim, Edgardo H. Cutin, Monica E. Garcia Posse, and Nestor E. Katz. EPR Evidence for Low-Lying MLCT States in Tetracyanoiron and -ruthenium Complexes with Strongly p-Accepting Chelate Ligands. Comparison with Isoelectronic Tetracarbonylmetal Species. Inorganic Chemistry, (34)11:3093--3096, 1995. [PUMA: azobispyridine azobispyridine;ESR azobispyridine;electrochem bipyrazine charge complex;MLCT cyano cyano;iron iron redox ruthenium transfer]

Anita Grupp, Martina Bubrin, Fabian Ehret, Hana Kvapilova, Stanislav Zalis, and Wolfgang. Kaim. Oxidation and reduction response of a-diimine complexes with tricarbonylrhenium halides and pseudohalides. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, (751):678--685, 2014. [PUMA: DFT carbonyl charge complex crystal diazabutadiene diimine halide oxidn prepn pseudohalide redn rhenium spectroelectrochem structure transfer;rhenium]

Moumita Koley, Biprajit Sarkar, Sandeep Ghumaan, Ece Bulak, Jan Fiedler, Wolfgang Kaim, and Goutam Kumar. Lahiri. Probing Mixed Valence in a New tppz-Bridged Diruthenium(III,II) Complex (μ-tppz)[Ru(bik)Cl]23+ (tppz = 2,3,5,6-Tetrakis(2-pyridyl)pyrazine, bik = 2,2'-Bis(1-methylimidazolyl)ketone): EPR Silence, Intervalence Absorption, and nCO Line Broadening. Inorganic Chemistry, (46)9:3736--3742, 2007. [PUMA: ESR IR UV charge electrochem methylimidazolylketone methylimidazolylketone;intervalence methylimidazolylketone;ruthenium mixed oxidn prepn pyridylpyrazine redn ruthenium transfer transition valent]