
Fridmann M. Hornung, Oliver Heilmann, Wolfgang Kaim, Stanislav Zalis, und Jan. Fiedler. Metal vs. Ligand Reduction in Complexes of 1,3-Dimethylalloxazine (DMA) with Copper(I), Ruthenium(II), and Tungsten(VI). Crystal Structures of (DMA)WO2Cl2 and (Bis(1-methylimidazol-2-yl)ketone)WO2Cl2. Inorganic Chemistry, (39)18:4052--4058, 2000. [PUMA: alloxazine bipyridine bisimidazolylketone chloro chloro;ESR complex;ruthenium copper electrochem imidazolylketone metal oxo phosphine prepn redn;crystal redn;transition redn;tungsten reduced structure transition tungsten]

Manuela Schwach, H.-D. Hausen, und Wolfgang. Kaim. Pulled molecular strings and stacked molecular decks: Chelate-ring formation vs. metal-metal bridging in dicopper(I) complexes of 2,2'-bipyrimidine with diphosphine ligands of variable polymethylene chain length. Chemistry - A European Journal, (2)4:446--451, 1996. [PUMA: assembly;crystal bipyrimidine chain copper dinuclear dinuclear;ESR dinuclear;copper dinuclear;deck dinuclear;electrochem dinuclear;string diphosphine length mol redn reduced self structure]

Paul S. Braterman, Jae Inh Song, Conny Vogler, und Wolfgang. Kaim. EPR and absorption spectra of singly reduced mono- and dinuclear diorganoplatinum complexes of heterocyclic a-diimines. Inorganic Chemistry, (31)2:222--224, 1992. [PUMA: EPR complex diimine heterocyclic platinum reduced]

Axel Klein, Volker Kasack, Ralf Reinhardt, Torsten Sixt, Thomas Scheiring, Stanislav Zalis, Jan Fiedler, und Wolfgang. Kaim. 2,5-Bis(1-phenyliminoethyl)pyrazine (bpip): A conjugated metal-metal bridging acceptor ligand and its homodinuclear complexes with low-valent metal centers. Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions: Inorganic Chemistry, 4:575--582, 1999. [PUMA: complex complex;electrochem complex;iminoethylpyrazine complex;spectroelectrochem complex;transition copper crystal data dinuclear iminoethylpyrazine ligand metal prepn reduced structure structure;solvatochromism transition]

Stephanie Frantz, Jan Fiedler, Ingo Hartenbach, Thomas Schleid, und Wolfgang. Kaim. A complete series of tricarbonylhalidorhenium(I) complexes (abpy)Re(CO)3(Hal), Hal = F, Cl, Br, I; abpy = 2,2'-azobispyridine: Structures, spectroelectrochemistry and EPR of reduced forms. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, (689)19:3031--3039, 2004. [PUMA: 0 azobispyridine bromo carbonyl carbonyl;rhenium crystal fluoro halo iodo;ESR prepn reduced rhenium spectroelectrochem;spectroelectrochem structure]

Michael Krejcik, Stanislav Zalis, Monika Ladwig, Walter Matheis, und Wolfgang. Kaim. A study of the reduced states of four isomeric bidiazines (diaza-2,2'-bipyridines) by UV-VIS/NIR-spectroelectrochemistry. Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2: Physical Organic Chemistry, 11:2007--2010, 1992. [PUMA: IR IR;reduced UV bidiazine bipyrazine bipyridazine bipyrimidine isomer reduced]

Tobias Köppl, Gabriele Santin, Bernard Haasdonk, und Rainer Helmig. Numerical modelling of a peripheral arterial stenosis using dimensionally reduced models and kernel methods. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, (34)8:e3095, 2018. [PUMA: anm blood dimensionally flow from:britsteiner ians kernel methods, mixed‐dimension models, peripheral real‐time reduced simulations simulations, stenosis, surrogate] URL

I. Martini, G. Rozza, und Bernard Haasdonk. Reduced basis approximation and a-posteriori error estimation for the coupled Stokes-Darcy system. Advances in Computational Mathematics, (41)5:1131--1157, 2015. [PUMA: Error decomposition; medium 76D07 from:britsteiner Porous Reduced ians method; basis problem; Stokes 76S05; estimation; equation; Domain Non-coercive flow; anm 65N55;] URL

Tobias Köppl, Gabriele Santin, Bernard Haasdonk, und Rainer Helmig. Numerical modelling of a peripheral arterial stenosis using dimensionally reduced models and kernel methods. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, (34)8:e3095, 2018. [PUMA: anm blood dimensionally flow ians kernel methods, mixed‐dimension models, peripheral real‐time reduced simulations simulations, stenosis, surrogate] URL

I. Martini, G. Rozza, und Bernard Haasdonk. Reduced basis approximation and a-posteriori error estimation for the coupled Stokes-Darcy system. Advances in Computational Mathematics, (41)5:1131--1157, 2015. [PUMA: 65N55; 76D07 76S05; Domain Error Non-coercive Porous Reduced Stokes anm basis decomposition; equation; estimation; flow; ians medium method; problem;] URL

Michael Heidingsfeld, Philipp Rapp, Michael Böhm, und Oliver Sawodny. Gramian-based actuator placement with spillover reduction for active damping of adaptive structures. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), July 3-7, 2017, Munich, 904--909, Juli 2017. [PUMA: Actuators, Controllability, Damping, Eigenvalues Gramian, Gramian-based Mathematical Measurement, Optimization, active actuator actuators, adaptive algebra, and control control, controllability controllability, criterion, damping, eigenfunctions, engineering external externally high-rise induced loads, matrix model, models, modes modification, optimal optimisation, optimization order placement, reduced reduction, response spillover spillover, structure, structures, supports, systems, truss vibration vibrations,]

Benjamin Fröhlich, Jan Gade, Florian Geiger, Manfred Bischoff, und Peter Eberhard. Geometric element parameterization and parametric model order reduction in finite element based shape optimization. Computational Mechanics, (63)5:853--868, 2019. [PUMA: Moment Parametric Reduced Shape matching, model modeling optimization, order reduction,] URL

Michael Krejcik, Stanislav Zalis, Monika Ladwig, Walter Matheis, und Wolfgang. Kaim. A study of the reduced states of four isomeric bidiazines (diaza-2,2'-bipyridines) by UV-VIS/NIR-spectroelectrochemistry. Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2: Physical Organic Chemistry, 11:2007--2010, 1992. [PUMA: IR IR;reduced UV bidiazine bipyrazine bipyridazine bipyrimidine isomer reduced]

Stephanie Frantz, Jan Fiedler, Ingo Hartenbach, Thomas Schleid, und Wolfgang. Kaim. A complete series of tricarbonylhalidorhenium(I) complexes (abpy)Re(CO)3(Hal), Hal = F, Cl, Br, I; abpy = 2,2'-azobispyridine: Structures, spectroelectrochemistry and EPR of reduced forms. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, (689)19:3031--3039, 2004. [PUMA: 0 azobispyridine bromo carbonyl carbonyl;rhenium crystal fluoro halo iodo;ESR prepn reduced rhenium spectroelectrochem;spectroelectrochem structure]

Axel Klein, Volker Kasack, Ralf Reinhardt, Torsten Sixt, Thomas Scheiring, Stanislav Zalis, Jan Fiedler, und Wolfgang. Kaim. 2,5-Bis(1-phenyliminoethyl)pyrazine (bpip): A conjugated metal-metal bridging acceptor ligand and its homodinuclear complexes with low-valent metal centers. Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions: Inorganic Chemistry, 4:575--582, 1999. [PUMA: complex complex;electrochem complex;iminoethylpyrazine complex;spectroelectrochem complex;transition copper crystal data dinuclear iminoethylpyrazine ligand metal prepn reduced structure structure;solvatochromism transition]

Paul S. Braterman, Jae Inh Song, Conny Vogler, und Wolfgang. Kaim. EPR and absorption spectra of singly reduced mono- and dinuclear diorganoplatinum complexes of heterocyclic a-diimines. Inorganic Chemistry, (31)2:222--224, 1992. [PUMA: EPR complex diimine heterocyclic platinum reduced]

Manuela Schwach, H.-D. Hausen, und Wolfgang. Kaim. Pulled molecular strings and stacked molecular decks: Chelate-ring formation vs. metal-metal bridging in dicopper(I) complexes of 2,2'-bipyrimidine with diphosphine ligands of variable polymethylene chain length. Chemistry - A European Journal, (2)4:446--451, 1996. [PUMA: assembly;crystal bipyrimidine chain copper dinuclear dinuclear;ESR dinuclear;copper dinuclear;deck dinuclear;electrochem dinuclear;string diphosphine length mol redn reduced self structure]

Fridmann M. Hornung, Oliver Heilmann, Wolfgang Kaim, Stanislav Zalis, und Jan. Fiedler. Metal vs. Ligand Reduction in Complexes of 1,3-Dimethylalloxazine (DMA) with Copper(I), Ruthenium(II), and Tungsten(VI). Crystal Structures of (DMA)WO2Cl2 and (Bis(1-methylimidazol-2-yl)ketone)WO2Cl2. Inorganic Chemistry, (39)18:4052--4058, 2000. [PUMA: alloxazine bipyridine bisimidazolylketone chloro chloro;ESR complex;ruthenium copper electrochem imidazolylketone metal oxo phosphine prepn redn;crystal redn;transition redn;tungsten reduced structure transition tungsten]

Tobias Köppl, Gabriele Santin, Bernard Haasdonk, und Rainer Helmig. Numerical modelling of a peripheral arterial stenosis using dimensionally reduced models and kernel methods. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, (0)ja:e3095, 2018. [PUMA: blood dimensionally flow from:mhartmann ians kernel methods, mixed-dimension models, peripheral real-time reduced simulations simulations, stenosis, surrogate vorlaeufig] URL

I. Martini, G. Rozza, und B. Haasdonk. Reduced basis approximation and a-posteriori error estimation for the coupled Stokes-Darcy system. Advances in Computational Mathematics, (41)5:1131--1157, 2015. [PUMA: 65N55; 76D07 76S05; Domain Error Non-coercive Porous Reduced Stokes basis decomposition; equation; estimation; flow; from:mhartmann ians medium method; problem; vorlaeufig] URL