
Numerical modelling of a peripheral arterial stenosis using dimensionally reduced models and kernel methods

, , , and . International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 0 (ja): e3095 (2018)e3095 cnm.3095.
DOI: 10.1002/cnm.3095


Summary In this work, we consider two kinds of model reduction techniquesto simulate blood flow through the largest systemic arteries, where a stenosis is located in a peripheral artery i.e. in an artery that is located far away from the heart. For our simulations we place the stenosis in one of the tibial arteries belonging to the right lower leg (right post tibial artery). The model reduction techniques that are used are on the one hand dimensionally reduced models (1-Dand 0-D models, the so-called mixed-dimension model) and on the other hand surrogate models produced by kernel methods. Both methods are combined in such a way that the mixed-dimension models yield training data for the surrogate model, where the surrogate model is parametrisedby the degree of narrowing of the peripheral stenosis. By means of a well-trained surrogate model, we show that simulation data can be reproduced with a satisfactory accuracy and that parameter optimisation or state estimation problems can be solved in a very efficient way. Furthermore it is demonstrated that a surrogate model enables us to present after a very short simulation time the impact of a varying degree of stenosis on blood flow, obtaining a speedup of several orders over the full model.

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