
Beatriz de los Arcos, and Martin Weller. A Tale of Two Globes: Exploring the North/South Divide in Engagement with Open Educational Resources. In Joachim Schöpfel, and Ulrich Herb (Eds.), Open Divide: Critical Studies on Open Access, 147-155, Litwin Books, Sacramento, CA, 2018. [PUMA: oa educational access south resources oer divide global open]

Jan Kelkel, and Christina Surulescu. A weak solution approach to a reaction--diffusion system modeling pattern formation on seashells. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, (32)17:2267--2286, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2009. [PUMA: weak reaction--diffusion solution equations, pattern global formation, vorlaeufig] URL

Jan Kelkel, and Christina Surulescu. A weak solution approach to a reaction--diffusion system modeling pattern formation on seashells. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, (32)17:2267--2286, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2009. [PUMA: weak from:mhartmann reaction--diffusion solution equations, pattern global formation, vorlaeufig ians] URL

Leslie Chan. Asymmetry and Inequality as a Challenge for Open Access - An Interview. In Joachim Schöpfel, and Ulrich Herb (Eds.), Open Divide: Critical Studies on Open Access, 169-182, Litwin Books, Sacramento, CA, 2018. [PUMA: inequality oa access south divide global open]

Irene Brickmann, Codula Kropp, and Jana Türk. Aufbruch in den Alpen – Lokales Handeln für die globale Transformation?. In Gerald Beck, and Cordula Kropp (Eds.), Gesellschaft innovativ – Wer sind die Akteure?, 65-83, VS Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2011. [PUMA: Sowi5ck alpen aufbruch lokal global handeln transformation] URL

Irene Brickmann, Codula Kropp, and Jana Türk. Aufbruch in den Alpen – Lokales Handeln für die globale Transformation?. In Gerald Beck, and Cordula Kropp (Eds.), Gesellschaft innovativ – Wer sind die Akteure?, 65-83, VS Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2011. [PUMA: Sowi5ck alpen aufbruch from:alisauhrig lokal global handeln transformation] URL

Kyle Siler, Stefanie Haustein, Elise Smith, Vincent Larivière, and Juan Pablo Alperin. Authorial and institutional stratification in open access publishing: the case of global health research. PeerJ, (6):e4269, February 2018. [PUMA: access Universities Open health Global economics Publishing charges macht processing power Libraries Stratification] URL

Andreas Schmitz, Raphael H. Heiberger, and Jörg Blasius. Das globale Feld der Macht als „Tertium Comparationis“. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, (40)3:247--263, September 2015. [PUMA: Globales Social Geometrische Sociology, data Geometric general, Global Macht der Sciences, power, of field Bourdieu, Datenanalyse, Feld analysis,] URL

Cordula Kropp. Die Logik lokaler Transformationsprozesse im globalen Treibhaus. In Stefan Böschen, Bernhard Gill, Cordula Kropp, and Katrin Vogel (Eds.), Klima von unten. Regionale Governance und gesellschaftlicher Wandel, 215-243, Campus, Frankfurt am Main, 2014. [PUMA: logik Sowi5CK treibhaus lokal global transformationsprozesse]

Cordula Kropp. Die Logik lokaler Transformationsprozesse im globalen Treibhaus. In Stefan Böschen, Bernhard Gill, Cordula Kropp, and Katrin Vogel (Eds.), Klima von unten. Regionale Governance und gesellschaftlicher Wandel, 215-243, Campus, Frankfurt am Main, 2014. [PUMA: logik Sowi5CK treibhaus from:alisauhrig lokal global transformationsprozesse]

Aaron James. Fairness in Practice: A Social Contract for a Global Economy. New York, US: Oup Usa, 2012. [PUMA: system ethics social contract political economy global philosophy finance]

Jonathan Adams, David Pendlebury, and Ross Potter. Global Research Report: Making it count: Research credit management in a collaborative world. In Institute for S (Eds.), 2022. [PUMA: publication analytics clarivate method scientific global credit report research] URL

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Huan Zhou, Kamran Idrees, and José Gracia. Leveraging MPI-3 shared-memory extensions for efficient PGAS runtime systems. Euro-Par 2015: Parallel Processing, 373--384, Springer, 2015. [PUMA: Partitioned One-sided myown SCOPE access address MPI RMA HLRS global PGAS space Remote-memory communication]

Iryna Kuchma. Open Access Initiatives and Networking in the Global South. In Joachim Schöpfel, and Ulrich Herb (Eds.), Open Divide: Critical Studies on Open Access, 129-136, Litwin Books, Sacramento, CA, 2018. [PUMA: oa access south divide global networking open]

Elizabeth Mlambo. Open Science, Open Access: Opportunities for the Global South, or Just Another Trojan Horse from the North?. In Joachim Schöpfel, and Ulrich Herb (Eds.), Open Divide: Critical Studies on Open Access, 137-146, Litwin Books, Sacramento, CA, 2018. [PUMA: science oa access south divide global open]

Florence Piron. Postcolonial Open Access. In Joachim Schöpfel, and Ulrich Herb (Eds.), Open Divide: Critical Studies on Open Access, 117-128, Litwin Books, Sacramento, CA, 2018. [PUMA: postcolonial oa access south divide global open]

Joseph Schuchart, Roger Kowalewski, and Karl Fuerlinger. Recent Experiences in Using MPI-3 RMA in the DASH PGAS Runtime. Proceedings of Workshops of HPC Asia, 21--30, ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2018. [PUMA: MPI, address DASH, partitioned PGAS, global myown, performance space, MPI-RMA, recent latency, communication] URL

S. Kanev, C. W. Scherer, M. Verhaegen, and B. De Schutter. Robust output-feedback controller design via local BMI optimization. Automatica, (40)7:1115-1127, July 2004. [PUMA: robust multiobjective synthesis control imng feasibility h-infinity inequalities bilinear algorithms formulas linear-systems global h-2 matrix uncertainty output-feedback from:carsten.scherer optimization design parameter peerReviewed lmis structured dynamic order] URL

S. Kanev, C. W. Scherer, M. Verhaegen, and B. De Schutter. Robust output-feedback controller design via local BMI optimization. Automatica, (40)7:1115-1127, July 2004. [PUMA: robust multiobjective synthesis control imng feasibility h-infinity inequalities bilinear algorithms formulas linear-systems global h-2 matrix uncertainty output-feedback optimization design parameter peerReviewed lmis structured dynamic order] URL