
M Gil Pérez, C Zechmeister, F Kannenberg, P Mindermann, L Balangé, Y Guo, S Hügle, A Gienger, D Forster, M Bischoff, C Tarín, P Middendorf, V Schwieger, G T Gresser, A Menges, and J Knippers. Computational co-design framework for coreless wound fibre-polymer composite structures. Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, (9)2:310--329, Oxford University Press (OUP), April 2022. [PUMA: 2022 balangé bischoff fiber forster gienger gilperez gresser guo hügle ibb icd ifb iigs intcdc isys itft itke kannenberg knippers menges middendorf mindermann myown peer rp11 rp12 rp13 rp14 rp15 rp18 schwieger tarín zechmeister] URL

M Gil Pérez, C Zechmeister, F Kannenberg, P Mindermann, L Balangé, Y Guo, S Hügle, A Gienger, D Forster, M Bischoff, C Tarín, P Middendorf, V Schwieger, G T Gresser, A Menges, and J Knippers. Computational co-design framework for coreless wound fibre-polymer composite structures. Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, (9)2:310--329, Oxford University Press (OUP), April 2022. [PUMA: myown intcdc ifb hügle rp11 ibb knippers 2022 rp13 gilperez rp12 isys forster itke gienger iigs menges guo from:martagilperez icd mindermann zechmeister gresser itft middendorf rp18 kannenberg balangé rp15 peer rp14 tarín schwieger bischoff] URL

A. Warsewa, M. Böhm, P. Rapp, O. Sawodny, and C. Tarín. Decentralized and Distributed Observer Design for Large-Scale Structures using Dynamic Condensation. IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), IEEE, August 2019. [PUMA: ISYS SFB1244 adaptive_structures control decentralized_control distributed_control observation state_estimation structural_dynamics]

Alexander Warsewa, Julia Laura Wagner, Michael Böhm, Oliver Sawody, and Cristina Tarín. Networked decentralized control of adaptive structures. Journal of Communications, June 2020. [PUMA: ISYS SFB1244 adaptive_structures decentralized_control networked_control sensor_fusion structural_dynamics]

Michael Heidingsfeld, Philipp Rapp, Michael Böhm, and Oliver Sawodny. Gramian-based Actuator Placement with Spillover Reduction for Active Damping of Adaptive Structures. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, 904--909, IEEE, Munich, Germany, July 2017. [PUMA: Gramian ISYS SFB1244 actuator_placement adaptive_structures control optimization spillover_reduction]

Michael Böhm, Julia Wagner, Simon Steffen, Werner Sobek, and Oliver Sawodny. Homogenizability of Element Utilization in Adaptive Structures. IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), IEEE, August 2019. [PUMA: ISYS SFB1244 actuation adaptive_structures homogenizability]

Julia Wagner, Michael Böhm, and Oliver Sawodny. Nonlinear Modeling and Control of Tension-only Elements in Adaptive Structures. SMART, Paris, July 2019. [PUMA: ISYS SFB1244 adaptive_structures modeling nonlinear structural_dynamics tension-only]

Alexander Warsewa, Michael Böhm, Flavio Guerra, Julia Wagner, Tobias Haist, Cristina Tarín, and Oliver Sawodny. Self-Tuning State Estimation for Adaptive Truss Structures Using Strain Gauges and Camera-Based Position Measurements. Mechanical Systems ans Signal Processing (MSSP), Elsevier, March 2020. [PUMA: ISYS SFB1244 adaptive_structures control observation self-tuning sensor_fusion state_estimation structural_dynamics tuning]

Alexander Warsewa, Julia Laura Wagner, Michael Böhm, Oliver Sawody, and Cristina Tarín. Decentralized LQG control for adaptive high-rise structures. 21st IFAC World Congress, IFAC, Berlin, Germany, July 2020. [PUMA: ISYS SFB1244 adaptive_structures decentralized_control model_order_reduction state_estimation structural_dynamics]

Michael Böhm, Simon Steffen, Jan Gade, Florian Geiger, Werner Sobek, Manfred Bischoff, and Oliver Sawodny. Modellierung aktiver Strukturelemente als Erweiterung zum klassischen Workflow der FE-Analyse. Baustatik -- Baupraxis 14, Universität Stuttgart, 2020. [PUMA: ISYS SFB1244 actuation adaptive_structures input input_modeling modeling]

Michael Böhm, Julia Wagner, Simon Steffen, Jan Gade, Florian Geiger, Werner Sobek, Manfred Bischoff, and Oliver Sawodny. Input modeling for active structural elements – extending the established FE-Workflow for modeling of adaptive structures. IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), 1595--1600, July 2020. [PUMA: ISYS SFB1244 actuation input input_modeling modeling]

Julia Wagner, Jan Gade, Florian Geiger, Michael Heidingsfeld, Michael Böhm, Malte von Scheven, Manfred Bischoff, and Oliver Sawodny. On steady-state disturbance compensability for actuator placement in adaptive structures. at - Automatisierungstechnik, 2018. [PUMA: ISYS SFB1244 actuator_placement adaptive_structures compensability optimization]

Julia Wagner, Kevin Schmidt, Michael Böhm, and Oliver Sawodny. Optimal Actuator Placement and Static Load Compensation for Euler-Bernoulli Beams with Spatially Distributed Inputs. Mechatronics, Wien, September 2019. [PUMA: ISYS SFB1244 actuator_placement adaptive_structures beams]

Alexander Warsewa, Michael Böhm, Oliver Sawodny, and Cristina Tarín. A port-Hamiltonian appproach to modeling the structural dynamics of complex structures. Applied Mathematical Modelling (APM), Elsevier, August 2020. [PUMA: ISYS SFB1244 adaptive_structures finite_element modeling port-Hamiltonian_systems structural_dynamics]

Julia Wagner, Michael Heidingsfeld, Michael Böhm, and Oliver Sawodny. Gramian-Based Actuator Placement for Static Load Compensation in Adaptive Structures. GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, October 2017. [PUMA: Gramian ISYS SFB1244 actuator_placement adaptive_structures optimization]

J. Zimmermann, E. Arnold, O. Sawodny, and B. Amoss. Discrete Event Simulation of Transshipment Container Terminals. SICE Conference, 890--895, Okayama, Japan, 2005. [PUMA: ISYS]

J. Rex, U. Albrecht, C. Ehlting, M. Thomas, U. M. Zanger, O. Sawodny, D. Häussinger, M. Ederer, R. Feuer, and J. G. Bode. Model-Based Characterization of Inflammatory Gene Expression Patterns of Activated Macrophages. PLoS Computational Biology, July 2016. [PUMA: ISYS Macrophages SysBio Virtual_Liver Virtuelle_Leber]

Thomas Nägele, Sebastian Henkel, Imke Hörmiller, Thomas Sauter, Oliver Sawodny, Michael Ederer, and Arnd G Heyer. Mathematical modeling of the central carbohydrate metabolism in Arabidopsis reveals a substantial regulatory influence of vacuolar invertase on whole plant carbon metabolism. Plant Physiology 153, 12010. [PUMA: ISYS]

S. Piehler, T. Dietrich, P. Wittmuess, O. Sawodny, M. Abdou Ahmed, and T. Graf. Deformable mirrors for intra-cavity use in high-power thin disk lasers. Optics Express, (25)4:4254-4267, OSA, February 2017. [PUMA: IFSW ISYS Laser]

Jörn Beschnidt. Virtual Waterway, eine Simulationsumgebung für Verkehrsabläufe auf Binnenwasserstraßen. 2010. [PUMA: Diss ISYS]