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The VVand: A Two-Tier System Design for High-Resolution Stereo Rendering

, , and . CHI POWERWALL 2013 Workshop, (2013)

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Computersimulation in der Astrophysik., , , , , , , and . Supercomputer, volume 250 of Informatik-Fachberichte, page 67-82. Springer, (1990)Visual Analytics for Narrative Text Visualizing Characters and their Relationships as Extracted from Novels, , , , and . In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications, (2016)Scientific Visualization on Sparse Grids, , and . Scientific Visualization DAGSTUHL '97, IEEE, (2000)Line-of-sight integration: A powerful tool for visualization of three-dimensional scalar fields., , , , and . Computers & Graphics, 13 (2): 223-228 (1989)Vragments and Raxels - Relocatability as an Extension to Programmable Rasterization Hardware., , , and . WSCG (Short Papers), page 181-188. (2004)Interacitve Exploration of Volume Line Integral Convolution Based on 3D-Texture Mapping., , , and . IEEE Visualization, page 233-240. (1999)#Hochwasser - Visuelle Analyse von Social Media im Bevölkerungsschutz / #Hochwasser - Using Visual Analytics of social media in civil protection., , , and . i-com, 13 (1): 37-44 (2014)Fremde Welten auf dem Graphikschirm - Die Bedeutung der Visualisierung für die Astrophysik / Strange Worlds on the Graphics Display The Importance of Visualization for Astrophysics., , , , , , , , , and . it - Informationstechnik, 33 (2): 91-100 (1991)Distributed Volume Visualization: A Step Towards Integrated Data Analysis and Image Synthesis., and . Parallel Computing, 23 (7): 927-941 (1997)ScatterBlogs: Geo-spatial document analysis., , , , , , and . IEEE VAST, page 309-310. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)