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Stochastic Modeling for Heterogeneous Two-Phase Flow

, , and . Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VII-Methods and Theoretical Aspects, volume 77 of Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Springer International Publishing, (2014)
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-05684-5\_34

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Christian Spieth University of Stuttgart

Integrated GeSn Heterojunction Phototransistor on Si, , , , , , , and . The 25th European Conference on Integrated Optics : Proceedings of ECIO 2024, June 17-19, Aachen, Germany, 402, page 552-557. Springer, (2024)
Integrated GeSn Heterojunction Phototransistor on Si, , , , , , , and . The 25th European Conference on Integrated Optics : Proceedings of ECIO 2024, June 17-19, Aachen, Germany, 402, page 552-557. Springer, (2024)GeSn p-n-p Heterophototransistor on Si, , , , , , , and . Journal of lightwave technology, 42 (17): 5981-5988 (2024)

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