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A Threefold Approach for Precise and Efficient Locomotion in Virtual Environments with Varying Accessibility., , , , , , , , and . VR, page 507-508. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)3-D Joint Inversion of Gravity and Magnetic Data Using Data-Space and Truncated Gauss-Newton Methods., , , , , and . IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett., (2022)Optlang: An algebraic modeling language for mathematical optimization., , and . J. Open Source Software, 2 (9): 139 (2017)MARSI: metabolite analogues for rational strain improvement., , , , , and . Bioinformatics, 34 (13): 2319-2321 (2018)Mobile Context Toolbox., and . EuroSSC, volume 5741 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 193-206. Springer, (2009)Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation, the Method of Moving Asymptotes and the global p-norm Stress Constraint., and . CoRR, (2014)Simulating Viscous Fingering with a Timespace Method and Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation.. CoRR, (2015)Efficient Strictness Analysis of Haskell., , and . SAS, volume 864 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 246-362. Springer, (1994)Supporting immersive location-based games on resource-constrained platforms., , , , , and . Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, page 102-103. ACM, (2010)Details of tetrahedral anisotropic mesh adaptation., and . Comput. Phys. Commun., (2016)