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Produktionsplanung bei Variantenfließfertigung.. OR, page 11-15. (2006)One-dimensional vehicle scheduling with a front-end depot and non-crossing constraints., and . OR Spectrum, 36 (2): 381-400 (2014)How to park freight trains on rail-rail transshipment yards: the train location problem., , and . OR Spectrum, 34 (3): 535-561 (2012)A survey on single crane scheduling in automated storage/retrieval systems., and . European Journal of Operational Research, 254 (3): 691-704 (2016)Sequencing of picking orders in mobile rack warehouses., , and . European Journal of Operational Research, 259 (1): 293-307 (2017)Absalom: Balancing assembly lines with assignment restrictions., , and . European Journal of Operational Research, 200 (3): 688-701 (2010)A versatile algorithm for assembly line balancing., and . European Journal of Operational Research, 184 (1): 39-56 (2008)The discrete forward-reserve problem - Allocating space, selecting products, and area sizing in forward order picking., , and . European Journal of Operational Research, 229 (3): 585-594 (2013)Cooperative twin-crane scheduling., , and . Discrete Applied Mathematics, (2016)Scheduling of inventory releasing jobs to satisfy time-varying demand: an analysis of complexity., , and . J. Scheduling, 16 (2): 185-198 (2013)