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Formation of Trichlorosilyl-Substituted Carbon-Centered Stable Radicals through the Use of p-Accepting Carbenes, , , , , , , and . Angewandte Chemie, International Edition, 52 (45): 11804--11807 (2013)Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of the Existence of Cu-II, Cu-III, and Cu-IV in Copper Corrolato Complexes, , , , , , and . Angewandte Chemie. International edition, 54 (46): 13769-13774 (2015)Synthesis and Characterization of a Triphenyl-Substituted Radical and an Unprecedented Formation of a Carbene-Functionalized Quinodimethane, , , , , , , , , and . Chemistry - A European Journal, 20 (30): 9240--9245 (2014)Metal-Chelating N,N'-Bis(4-dimethylaminophenyl)acetamidinyl Radical: A New Chromophore for the Near-Infrared Region, , , and . Chemistry - a European journal, 21 (35): 12275-12278 (2015)RuII(a-diimine) or RuIII(a-diimine·-)? Structural, Spectroscopic, and Theoretical Evidence for the Stabilization of a Prominent Metal-to-Ligand Charge-Transfer Excited-State Configuration in the Ground State, , , , , , , and . European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2014 (1): 110--119 (2014)Filling Gaps in the Series of Noninnocent Hetero-1,3-diene Chelate Ligands: Ruthenium Complexes of Redox-Active a-Azocarbonyl and a-Azothiocarbonyl Ligands RNNC(R')E, E = O or S, , , , , , and . Inorganic Chemistry, 51 (11): 6237--6244 (2012)A Diruthenium Complex of a \dqNindigo\dq Ligand, , , , , , and . Inorganic Chemistry, 52 (15): 8467--8475 (2013)Structural and Oxidation State Alternatives in Platinum and Palladium Complexes of a Redox-Active Amidinato Ligand, , , , , and . Chemistry - A European Journal, 27 (10): 3374-3381 (2021)Structural and Oxidation State Alternatives in Platinum and Palladium Complexes of a Redox-Active Amidinato Ligand, , , , , and . Chemistry - a European journal, 27 (10): 3374-3381 (2021)Oxidation and reduction response of a-diimine complexes with tricarbonylrhenium halides and pseudohalides, , , , , and . Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, (2014)