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Ergebnisse aus Verbrennungsversuchen mit Klärschlämmen, Biomassen und Kohle in einer 300 kW(th) Zyklon-Schmelzkammerfeuerung : Betriebserfahrungen und Rückstandseigenschaften, , , , , and . Wege des Abfalls, 1540, page 119-134. Düsseldorf, VDI-Verl., (2000)A comparison of dry ash removal PF and slag-tap furnace regarding biomass and sewage sludge co-combustion on the basis of pilot-scale tests, , , , , and . Beiträge zur DGMK-Fachbereichstagung "Energetische und Stoffliche Nutzung von Abfällen und Biomassen", 2000,1, page 251-261. Hamburg, DGMK, (2000)Application of vegetable oil-based insulating fluids to hermetically sealed power transformers, , , , , , , , , and 1 other author(s). (2008)Combustion performance and residue analysis of trial burns in a pilot-scale slag-tap furnace with coals and waste fuels, , , , and . Incineration and thermal treatment technologies : proceedings IT3 Conference, Portland, Or., University of California, (2000)The Successful Intelligence of High-Growth Entrepreneurs: Links to New Venture Growth., and . Organization Science, 21 (2): 397-412 (2010)Guest Editors' Introduction: Hot Chips 12., , and . IEEE Micro, 21 (2): 13-15 (2001)Hot Chips-hot Stuff., and . IEEE Micro, 18 (2): 11-13 (1998)Cross-national information flows in basic research: Examples taken from physics., and . JASIS, 29 (5): 247-252 (1978)An information approach to examining developments in an energy technology: Coal gasification., , and . JASIS, 30 (4): 193-201 (1979)Patient Safety at Transitions of Care: Use of a Compulsory Electronic Reconciliation Tool in an Academic Hospital., , , , , , and . MedInfo, volume 216 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, page 232-236. IOS Press, (2015)