
Publication data of C1 group for: Quantitative Distinction between Noble Metals Located in Mesopores from those on the external Surface

Dataset, (2021)Related to: C. Rieg, D. Dittmann, Z. Li, R. Lawitzki, K. Gugeler, S. Maier, G. Schmitz, J. Kästner, D. P. Estes, M. Dyballa, Quantitative Distinction between Noble Metals Located in Mesopores from Those on the External Surface. Chemistry - A Eurorean Journal 2021. doi: 10.1002/chem.202102076.
DOI: 10.18419/darus-2119


All primary data files of measurements and processed data of the journal article mentioned under related publications from Dyballa group can be found here. Data from collaborating groups, especially the Kästner (C4) and the Schmitz group (C3), can be found in the same dataset. The dataset contains the measurement results from XRD, ICP-OES, H2-Chemisorption, N2-Physisorption, MAS-NMR, SEM and TEM. The NMR data (jcampdx-files) can be opened with, e.g., TopSpin software. The TEM images are recorded by the Schmitz group (C3) are stored in the folder "TEM". The file Simulation_data.tgz includes all relevant files from all theoretical calculations at DFT and semi-empirical GFN2-xTB level, geometry optimization and single-point energy calculations. Those data were provided by the Kästner group; Katrin Gugeler and Johannes Kästner. The additional information "parent" in the file names signifies that the materials are not modified by noble metals. The additional information "in" and öut" indicate that the materials are prepared in such a way that the noble metal nanoparticles are located mainly inside the pores ("in") or on the external surface (öut").



  • @unibiblio

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