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%0 Journal Article
%1 allsop2017movement
%A Allsop, J.
%A Gray, R.
%A Bülthoff, Heinrich H.
%A Chuang, Lewis L.
%D 2017
%J Journal of Eye Movement Research
%K c03 sfbtrr161-c sfbtrr161 sfb dfg c06 visus:chuangls tiger-generation:638772324463752472
%N 5
%P 8:1-8:15
%R 10.16910/jemr.10.5.8
%T Eye Movement Planning on Single-Sensor-Single-Indicator Displays is Vulnerable to User Anxiety and Cognitive Load
%V 10
added-at = {2025-03-10T20:43:25.000+0100},
affiliation = {Chuang, Lewis L., Technische Universität Chemnitz},
author = {Allsop, J. and Gray, R. and Bülthoff, Heinrich H. and Chuang, Lewis L.},
biburl = {},
doi = {10.16910/jemr.10.5.8},
interhash = {77b93449addd0750bb9ac04c808e82cf},
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journal = {Journal of Eye Movement Research},
keywords = {c03 sfbtrr161-c sfbtrr161 sfb dfg c06 visus:chuangls tiger-generation:638772324463752472},
number = 5,
orcid-numbers = {Chuang, Lewis L./0000-0002-1975-5716},
pages = {8:1-8:15},
timestamp = {2025-03-10T20:43:25.000+0100},
title = {Eye Movement Planning on Single-Sensor-Single-Indicator Displays is Vulnerable to User Anxiety and Cognitive Load},
url = { },
volume = 10,
year = 2017