
Current research activities at the Institute for Metal Forming Technology (IFU) of the University of Stuttgart are focusing on processing high-melting metal materials in the semi-solid state. This forming process is performed in the range between solidus and liquidus line and uses therefore the low materials viscosity in its semi-solid state for realizing complex part geometries. The research work deals with alloy systems based on titanium or cobalt which are widely used in both medical and aerospace technology. In particular, the titanium alloy Ti6Al4 V, possessing high strength, low density and excellent corrosion resistance exactly matches today's lightweight aspirations, and therefore will be of greater importance in the future applications. Due to this favorable combination of properties this alloy nowadays is widely used in technical specialty areas despite its high price. Therefore, many mechanically and thermally highly stressed lightweight components such as turbine blades are designed and manufactured out of this particular titanium alloy. Conventional processes used for such material systems like casting or forging methods usually consume a lot of energy when heating the billet and require increased materials usage, which results in high production-costs. In this context the processing of such materials in the semi-solid state has a great potential in terms of producing complex net-shape or near-net-shape components with good mechanical properties.

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  • @roxyfoxy2211
  • @schulung
  • @ifu
  • @ubtestnutzer1
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