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%0 Journal Article
%1 tourian2016spatiotemporal
%A Tourian, Mohammad J.
%A Tarpanelli, A.
%A Elmi, Omid
%A Qin, T.
%A Brocca, L.
%A Moramarco, T.
%A Sneeuw, Nicolaas
%D 2016
%I Wiley
%J Water resources research
%N 2
%P 1140-1159
%R 10.1002/2015WR017654
%T Spatiotemporal densification of river water level time series by multimission satellite altimetry
%V 52
added-at = {2023-08-31T14:56:26.000+0200},
affiliation = {Tourian, MJ (Reprint Author), Univ Stuttgart, Inst Geodesy, D-70174 Stuttgart, Germany.
Tourian, M. J.; Elmi, O.; Qin, T.; Sneeuw, N., Univ Stuttgart, Inst Geodesy, D-70174 Stuttgart, Germany.
Tarpanelli, A.; Brocca, L.; Moramarco, T., CNR IRPI, Hydrol Res Grp, Perugia, Italy.},
author = {Tourian, Mohammad J. and Tarpanelli, A. and Elmi, Omid and Qin, T. and Brocca, L. and Moramarco, T. and Sneeuw, Nicolaas},
biburl = {},
doi = {10.1002/2015WR017654},
interhash = {35e21848b3fecb16a38ce7a8d821c523},
intrahash = {095fd440926bea0cb9a3db22af6da312},
issn = {{1944-7973} and {0043-1397}},
journal = {Water resources research},
keywords = {},
language = {eng},
number = 2,
orcid-numbers = {Brocca, Luca/0000-0002-9080-260X
Sneeuw, Nico/0000-0003-1796-0131},
pages = {1140-1159},
publisher = {Wiley},
research-areas = {Environmental Sciences & Ecology; Marine & Freshwater Biology; Water Resources},
researcherid-numbers = {Brocca, Luca/F-2854-2010
Sneeuw, Nico/N-6916-2013},
timestamp = {2023-08-31T12:56:26.000+0200},
title = {Spatiotemporal densification of river water level time series by multimission satellite altimetry},
unique-id = {ISI:000373117300030},
volume = 52,
year = 2016