
Jens Baumgarten, Christian Bessenbacher, Wolfgang Kaim, and Thomas. Stahl. Molecular and electronic structure of electron-transfer active main-group organometallics [Erratum to document cited in CA110(15):135328y]. Journal of the American Chemical Society, (111)13:5017, 1989. [PUMA: Erratum Erratum;Erratum Erratum;SET Erratum;electrochem Erratum;oxidn Erratum;pyrazine crystal dihydro potential reagent silyldihydropyrazine;mol structure triisopropylsilyl triisopropylsilyldihydropyrazine]

Sascha Berger, Frank Baumann, Thomas Scheiring, and Wolfgang. Kaim. Organometallic complex cations [(hn-CnR'n)M(RN:CHCH:NR)Cl]+ of 1,4-diazabutadienes (M = Os and n = 6 or M = Rh, Ir and n = 5, R = 2,6-dialkylphenyl). Structures and reduction to neutral compounds [(hn-CnR'n)M(RNCH:CHNR)]. Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, (627)4:620--630, 2001. [PUMA: azabutadiene complex complex;diazabutadiene complex;redn complex;redox complex;rhodium crystal diazabutadiene diisopropylphenyl iridium mol osmium potential prepn redox redox;crystal redox;mol structure structure;iridium]

Wolfgang Kaim, Ralf Reinhardt, Eberhard Waldhoer, and Jan. Fiedler. Electron transfer and chloride ligand dissociation in complexes [(C5Me5)ClM(bpy)]+/[(C5Me5)M(bpy)]n (M = Co, Rh, Ir; n = 2+, +, 0, -): A combined electrochemical and spectroscopic investigation. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, (524)1-2:195--202, 1996. [PUMA: bipyridine;reductive bpy chloride chloride;electrochem chloride;electron cobalt cyclopentadienylcobalt;ESR dissocn elimination iridium ligand pentamethylcyclopentadienyl pentamethylcyclopentadienylcobalt potential rhodium transfer]

Michael Moscherosch, and Wolfgang. Kaim. A first robust complex of tetradentate TCNQ. Evidence for two weakly coupled diruthenium(II,III) subsystems in symmetrical tetranuclear complexes (μ4-TCNX)[Ru(NH3)5]48+ (TCNX = TCNE, TCNQ). Inorganica Chimica Acta, (206)2:229--230, 1993. [PUMA: MO TCNQ complex complex;TCNE complex;frontier complex;magnetic complex;redox complex;spectra electronic moment potential ruthenium structure]

Sylvia Ernst, and Wolfgang. Kaim. Coordination characteristics of four isomeric a-diimine ligands. p Molecular orbital perturbation calculations for the bidiazines and their correlation with the properties of group 6 metal carbonyl complexes. Journal of the American Chemical Society, (108)13:3578--3586, 1986. [PUMA: Group VIB basicity bidiazine bidiazine;Group bidiazine;bipyrazine bidiazine;electron bidiazine;molybdenum bidiazine;redox bidiazine;tungsten carbonyl carbonyl;bipyridazine carbonyl;bipyrimidine carbonyl;chromium configuration potential]

Hans Bock, and Wolfgang. Kaim. Radical ions. Part X. Electron-rich alkyl olefins and their radical cations. Tetrahedron Letters, 27:2343--2346, 1977. [PUMA: ESR;ionization alkene alkene;oxidn methylsilyl potential radical]

H. Binder, R. Kellner, K. Vaas, M. Hein, F. Baumann, M. Wanner, R. Winter, W. Kaim, W. Honle, Y. Grin, U. Wedig, M. Schultheiss, R. K. Kremer, H. G. von Schnering, O. Groeger, and G. Engelhardt. The closo-cluster triad. B9X9, [B9X9].bul.-, and [B9X9]2- with tricapped trigonal prisms (X = Cl, Br, I). Synthesis, crystal and electronic structures. Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, (625)7:1059--1072, 1999. [PUMA: crystal haloborane;haloborane magnetism potential prepn redox structure]

Hans Bock, Wolfgang Kaim, Mitsuo Kira, H. Osawa, and H. Sakurai. Radical ions. XXVIII. Tris(trimethylsilylmethyl)aminium, +̇N(CH2Si(CH3)3)3: A stable fluxional aminium radical cation. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, (164)3:295--304, 1979. [PUMA: ESR amine;photoelectron aminium cation;ionization fluxional potential radical silylmethyl silylmethylamine spectra]

Wolfgang Kaim, and Hans. Bock. Photoelectron spectra and molecular properties. 77. Radical ions, XXIII. R2P and R2N substituted benzenes: Charge distribution in their cations, anions, and trianions. Chemische Berichte, (111)12:3843--3856, 1978. [PUMA: ESR aminobenzene;redn anion;ionization bisphosphinobenzene;spin charge coupling distribution phosphinoaminobenzene phosphinoaminobenzene;ESR phosphinoaminobenzene;photoelectron phosphinobenzene potential radical spectra]

Barbara Olbrich-Deussner, and Wolfgang. Kaim. Electron-transfer-catalyzed carbonyl substitution. III. Synthesis and spectroscopy of mono- and binuclear cis-phosphinetetracarbonyltungsten(0) complexes of electron-poor pyridines. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, (361)3:335--351, 1989. [PUMA: acylpyridine carbonyl catalysis complex deriv phosphine;cyanopyridine phosphine;electron phosphine;redn potential pyridine pyridine;tungsten substitution;isonicotinate transfer tungsten]

Thangavel Sathiya Kamatchi, Sudipta Mondal, Thomas Scherer, Martina Bubrin, Karuppannan Natarajan, and Wolfgang. Kaim. Near-Infrared-Absorbing Organometallic Diruthenium Complex Intermediates: Evidence for Bridging Anthrasemiquinone Formation and against Mixed Valency. Chemistry - A European Journal, (23)70:17810--17816, 2017. [PUMA: IR absorption complex complex;ruthenium crystal dioxidoanthraquinone potential prepn redox ruthenium structure]

Natasa Doslik, Torsten Sixt, and Wolfgang. Kaim. The first structural characterization of an azoaromatic radical anion stabilized by dicopper(I) coordination. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition, (37)17:2403--2404, 1998. [PUMA: azochloropyrimidine copper dinuclear dinuclear;redn phenylphosphine potential prepn structure structure;crystal triphenylphosphine]

Chrisoph Titze, and Wolfgang. Kaim. Polychlorinated biaryl heterocycles as potential ligands. Reactions between octachloro-1,10-phenanthroline and -2,2'-bipyridine with copper(I) and other metal ions. Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, B: A Journal of Chemical Sciences, (51)7:981--988, 1996. [PUMA: attempted bipyridine chlorophenanthroline complex complex;ESR complex;phenanthroline complex;structure coordination copper perchloro potential potential;chlorophenanthroline potential;redn prepn prepn;crystal redn silver structure]

Wolfgang Kaim, and Stephan. Kohlmann. Coordination chemistry of p-electron deficient ligands. Binuclear tungsten pentacarbonyl complexes of the weakly basic 2,1,3-benzochalcogenadiazoles. Inorganica Chimica Acta, (101)2:L21-L22, 1985. [PUMA: benzochalcogenadiazole benzochalcogenadiazole;tungsten carbonyl ditungsten potential redn]

Jens Baumgarten, Christian Bessenbacher, Wolfgang Kaim, and Thomas. Stahl. Molecular and electronic structure of electron-transfer active main-group organometallics. Journal of the American Chemical Society, (111)6:2126--2131, 1989. [PUMA: crystal dihydro;SET potential reagent structure triisopropylsilyl triisopropylsilyldihydropyrazine;electrochem triisopropylsilyldihydropyrazine;mol triisopropylsilyldihydropyrazine;oxidn triisopropylsilyldihydropyrazine;pyrazine triisopropylsilyldihydropyrazine;silyldihydropyrazine]

Matthias Wanner, Ingo Hartenbach, Jan Fiedler, Thomas Schleid, and Wolfgang. Kaim. Dinuclear and trinuclear organometallic complexes (ReS4)[MCl(C5Me5)], M = Rh, Ir, and (m-WS4)[IrCl(C5Me5)]2. Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, B: A Journal of Chemical Sciences, (56)9:940--946, 2001. [PUMA: charge crystal cyclopentadienyl dinuclear interaction iridium mol potential prepn redn rhodium structure structure;tetrathiotungstate tetrathiorhenate;electrochem tetrathiorhenate;tetrathiorhenate tetrathiotungstate transfer]

Wolfgang Kaim, Holger Tesmann, and Hans. Bock. Substituent effects and perturbation of p-systems. XXXVI. tert-Butyl-, trimethylsilyl-, trimethylgermyl-, trimethylstannyl- and trimethylplumbyl-substituted benzene and naphthalene derivatives and their anion radicals. Chemische Berichte, (113)10:3221--3234, 1980. [PUMA: anion benzene charge deriv deriv;ESR deriv;energy deriv;radical deriv;redn germylbenzene naphthalene potential radical redox spectra stannylbenzene;photoelectron transfer]

H. Bock, W. Kaim, H. Noeth, and A. Semkow. Radical ions. 36. Structural changes accompanying the one-electron oxidation of hydrazine and its silyl derivatives. Journal of the American Chemical Society, (102)13:4421--4428, 1980. [PUMA: ESR aluminum cation chloride conformation coupling potential radical silylhydrazine silylhydrazine;MO silylhydrazine;hypersurface silylhydrazine;ionization silylhydrazine;isotropic silylhydrazine;oxidn silylhydrazine;photoelectron silylhydrazine;radical spectra]

Paul S. Braterman, Jae Inh Song, Stephan Kohlmann, Conny Vogler, and Wolfgang. Kaim. Spectroelectrochemistry of aromatic ligands and their derivatives. III. Binuclear transition metal complexes of copper(I), molybdenum(0), and rhenium(I) with 2,2'-bipyrimidine. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, (411)1-2:207--213, 1991. [PUMA: binuclear bipyrimidine carbonyl complex copper electronic electroredn;transition metal potential redn rhenium spectrum spectrum;molybdenum visible]

Biprajit Sarkar, Wolfgang Kaim, Thomas Schleid, Ingo Hartenbach, and Jan. Fiedler. 3,4-Bis(2-pyrazinyl)-1,2,4,5-tetrazine. A new multifunctional ligand and its syn,fac-configurated bis(tricarbonylchlororhenium) complex. Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, (629)7-8:1353--1357, 2003. [PUMA: carbonyl complex complex;rhenium crystal potential prepn prepn;redox pyrazinyltetrazine rhenium structure]