
Eric Price, Yu Tang Liu, Michael J. Black, and Aamir Ahmad. Simulation and Control of Deformable Autonomous Airships in Turbulent Wind. In Marcelo H. Ang Jr, Hajime Asama, Wei Lin, and Shaohui Foong (Eds.), Intelligent Autonomous Systems 16, 608--626, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2022. [PUMA: aerialrobots formationcontrol myown]

Rahul Tallamraju, Nitin Saini, Elia Bonetto, Michael Pabst, Yu Tang Liu, Michael Black, and Aamir Ahmad. AirCapRL: Autonomous Aerial Human Motion Capture Using Deep Reinforcement Learning. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, (5)4:6678 - 6685, IEEE, October 2020. [PUMA: aerialrobots formationcontrol reinforcementlearning] URL