
Annika Kienzlen, Christian Scheifele, und Alexander Verl. Predicting coupling signals in a material flow real-time co-simulation with a Kalman filter. In Roberto Teti, und Doriana M. D'Addona (Hrsg.), Procedia CIRP, (88):9--14, Elsevier BV, 2020. [PUMA: hardware-in-the-loop isw simulation] URL

Manswet Banka, Daniel Contreras, und Krzysztof Rudion. Hardware-in-the-loop Test Bench for Investigation of DER Integration Strategies within a multi-agent-based Environment. 2018. [PUMA: Hardware-in-the-loop]

Karl Kübler, Stefan Scheifele, Christian Scheifele, und Oliver Riedel. Model-Based Systems Engineering for Machine Tools and Production Systems (Model-Based Production Engineering). Procedia Manufacturing, (24):216--221, Elsevier BV, 2018. [PUMA: CPPS CPS HILS Hardware-in-the-Loop MBPE MBSE cyber-physical system] URL

Stefan Scheifele, Oliver Riedel, und Günter Pritschow. Engineering of machine tools and manufacturing systems using cyber-physical systems. (2017 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC)):1503–1514, IEEE,, 2017. [PUMA: CPPS CPS HILS Hardware-in-the-Loop Industrie4.0 Simulation]

Stefan Scheifele, und Oliver Riedel. Vom mechatronischen zum Digital Engineering von Maschinen und Anlagen. atp plus, 42017. [PUMA: Digital Engineering HILS Hardware-in-the-Loop isw simulation] URL