
Helge Steenweg. Computers and Social History: Building a Database from Mediaeval Tax Registers for improved Information Retrieval in Göttingen. In G. Lock, and J. Moffet (Eds.), CAA 91, Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (BAR International Series S 577),, 29-38., London, 1992. [PUMA: 1992 computer database datenbank history information-retrieval mediaeval mittelalter myown retrieval social-structure sozialgeschichte sozialstruktur tax-register town] URL

Matthias Monroy. Überwachung: Europa hat ein Problem mit Feuerwaffen. 2015. [PUMA: datenbank europol handfeuerwaffen kontrolle menschenrechte politik rüstung waffen waffenhandel] URL

Helge Steenweg. Computers and Social History: Building a Database from Mediaeval Tax Registers for improved Information Retrieval in Göttingen. In G. Lock, and J. Moffet (Eds.), CAA 91, Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (BAR International Series S 577),, 29-38., London, 1992. [PUMA: sozialstruktur myown mediaeval mittelalter town from:steenweg2 history datenbank social-structure information-retrieval retrieval computer database tax-register sozialgeschichte 1992] URL

Helge Steenweg. Computers and Social History: Building a Database from Mediaeval Tax Registers for improved Information Retrieval in Göttingen. In G. Lock, and J. Moffet (Eds.), CAA 91, Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (BAR International Series S 577),, 29-38., London, 1992. [PUMA: sozialstruktur myown mediaeval mittelalter town from:steenweg2 history datenbank social-structure information-retrieval retrieval computer database tax-register sozialgeschichte 1992] URL

Lydia Prexl. Mit digitalen Quellen arbeiten: richtig zitieren aus Datenbanken, E-Books, YouTube & Co.. UTB ; 4420. Schlüsselkompetenzen, Ferdinand Schöningh, Paderborn, 2019. [PUMA: Arbeiten Bachelorarbeit Bibliografie Datenbank Medien Plagiat Schlüsselkompetenz Schreiben Studium YouTube Zitat Zitieren bilder digitale elektronische wissenschaftliches]