
Ahmad Abdel-Majeed, Stefan Tenbohlen, und Krzysztof Rudion. Effects of state estimation accuracy on the voltage control of low voltage grids. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 2015. [PUMA: Grids Low Accuracy Control Voltage Estimation State]

Julia Aichinger, und Volker Schwieger. Influence of scanning parameters on the estimation accuracy of control points of B-spline surfaces. Journal of Applied Geodesy, (12)2:157-167, deGruyter, Berlin,, 2018. [PUMA: 2018 scanning accuracy iigs from:larsplate]

Walther Maier, und Uwe Heisel. Experimental Investigation of a Ball Screw for Increasing the Accuracy of Thermal Simulations. Journal of Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology, (16)1:167-170, 2012. [PUMA: FEA myown experimental test simulation accuracy ball screw conductivity experiment investigation themal] URL

Sacha Markalous, Stefan Tenbohlen, und Kurt Feser. Improvement of acoustic detection and localization accuracy by sensitive electromagnetic PD measurements under oil in the UHF range. 2005. [PUMA: localization detection accuracy range sensitive acoustic electromagnetic oil UHF PD measurements] URL

Sven Mayer, Huy Viet Le, Alessandro Nesti, Niels Henze, Heinrich H. Bülthoff, und Lewis L. Chuang. The Effect of Road Bumps on Touch Interaction in Cars. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, 85-93, ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2018. [PUMA: console offset visus:mayersn centre accuracy touch visus:lehy entertainment tiger-generation:638626384519003301 system car vis-mci visus:chuangls vis(us) touchscreens vis-sks model in-vehicle visus:henzens board vis correction] URL

Valentin Schmidt, Werner Kraus, Christoph Martin, XueJun Jin, und Andreas Pott. Black-box accuracy compensation for a cable-driven parallel robot. 17th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS), 428--431, 2017. [PUMA: myown Accuracy Import180214]

Lukas Steinle, Armin Lechler, Michael Neubauer, und Alexander Verl. Experimental investigation into the implications of transmission errors for rack‑and‑pinion drives. Production Engineering Research and Development, November 2021. [PUMA: Transmission Path Rack-and-pinon accuracy tools Feed drive Machine errors]

Alexander Verl, und Valentin Leipe. Dual motor position feedback control for electrically preloaded rack-and-pinion drive systems to increase accuracy. CIRP Annals, (73)1:313–316, Elsevier BV, 2024. [PUMA: rpd accuracy control isw] URL