
Non-linear analytical modelling of bossed diaphragms for pressure sensors

Proceedings of Eurosensors IV held jointly with Sensoren, Technologie und Anwendung, volume 5 of Sensors and Actuators. A, Physical, page 815-819. Lausanne, Elsevier Sequoia, (1991)
DOI: 10.1016/0924-4247(91)87092-H


In the past few years, bossed plate geometries have been developed especially for the low-pressure range. These plate shapes render a drastic reduction of the nonlinearity in this range feasible. In the medium and high pressure range, too, these plates offer marked advantages compared to the conventional design of piezoresistive and capacitive pressure sensors. They offer an improvement of the nonlinearity, the sensitivity, and the overload range, and minimize the impact of process fluctuations. This presentation introduces a nonlinear analytical theory permitting simple and fast optimization of the sensor design for the above-mentioned bossed plate shapes. By means of effected simulations, the plate forms discussed are compared with respect to their advantages and disadvantages. The results demonstrate that the advantages of particular plate geometries prevail depending on the pressure range. While bossed rectangular or square plates are clearly advantageous in the low-pressure range, a circular ringshaped plate offers advantages in the high-pressure range. The theory was verified on realized piezoresistive low-pressure sensors. Theory and experiment are in good agreement.



  • @unibiblio-4

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