Heterocycles I, contg. 6 pairs of p electrons, are formed preferentially on reaction of bifunctional R1PX2 with monoalkylhydrazines and have planar structures, according to NMR investigations. In contrast, tetraazadiboracyclohexanes II, with 8 p electrons, exhibit the twist conformation. One-electron oxidn. of I and II with AlCl3 in CH2Cl2 both yield the dark-blue, thermodn. favored radical cation III (R = R1 = Me, R = Me, R1 = NMe2), which, as a presumably planar 7 p-electron system, is iso-p-electronic with C6H6 radical anions. The ESR spectrum of III shows as sets of equiv. nuclei 4 N, 12 H and 2 B. Spin-d. concs. predominantly on the N atoms, while the B atoms are located in p-nodal planes and the NR-NR+ bridges are leveled. [on SciFinder(R)]
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